On 16.08.2021 20:57, Michaud Michael wrote:
> hey Mike,
> https://github.com/openjump-gis/bsheditor-extension/commits/main
> just finetuned the extension pom as i found some issues. namely
> - added ojrepo, which is needed to retrieve OpenJUMP-2.0-main-SNAPSHOT.jar . 
> it was probably in your repo already from skyprinter, that's why it didn't 
> throw up.
> Oh, yes, I was wondering why I had not to add ojrepo. Understand now. I'll 
> have to add it to all extensions I just upgraded I think


> - removed jts, junit deps as they are not needed there
> OK, thanks
> - added distro zip packaging to prepare inclusion as downloadable zip
> A bit complex for me. Are you sure it is worthwhile ? Perhaps needed for a 
> later plugin manager ?

totally. distro zips are a clean way to bundle all deps and files for a 

also and more importantly, i want to get rid of binary jars/deps in trunk. 
that's why i made the effort to establish a the wget way to download extensions 
during maven build, just as any other dependency.
it even binds to maven lifecycle 'process-resources' to make sure the 
extensions land in 'target/{lib.ext.core,lib.ext.plus}' before compiling so you 
can even include them when running OJ2 in your IDE. just add those folders via 
'-extensions-directory' instead of 'lib/ext' and 'lib/plus' as you are doing 

> pls check the commits above.
> wrt. packaging. shouldn't we package the the files currently in 
> trunk/lib/ext/Beantools as well in this extension? .. sunny regards ede
> I don't know. They are somewhat related as they both use beanshell 
> interpreter and the editor can be used to develop a beantool, but they don't 
> depend to each other. Do it if you feel it useful.

i see, wasn't aware that we ship beanshell in CORE already. in that case we 
should probably leave them there. we could consider moving the whole beanshell 
functionality into PLUS, but i don't really care.

..sunny regards ede

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