As Marco said; The direction is purely semantical; it provides some
information about what the relation represents but it doesn't specify the
direction of a data flow or something else. A relation always connects a
"provides" endpoint with a "requires" endpoint, you can see this as the
relation having a direction. If you want to know the direction of a
relationship, you need to look at the endpoints in the metadata.yaml of
both charms and see which is the provides side and which is the requires

Also note that relations denote an operations-level (management-level)
dependency. This does not necessarily mean that there is data flowing
between the *applications* themselves, only that the charms who manage the
applications share data.

On Thu, 5 Jul 2018, 07:49 Ilias Tsoumas, <> wrote:

> Ok, it is clear.
> Also, how I identify the "direction" of relationship? It is denoted with
> order of the dashes?
> *- - <application-name1>:<endpoint-name1>*
> *  - <application-name2>:<endpoint-name2>*
> imply that the data-flow from  *<application-name1>* is directed in
> *<application-name2>*
> and
> *- - <application-name2>:<endpoint-name2>*
> *  - <application-name1>:<endpoint-name1>*
> imply that the data-flow from  *<application-name2>* is directed in
> *<application-name1>*
> On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 5:10 PM Merlijn Sebrechts <
>> wrote:
>> There is nothing preventing directed cycles in the graph, although I'm
>> not sure how common they are in real bundles.
>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2018, 05:57 Ilias Tsoumas, <> wrote:
>>> Merlijn thank you for your reply. It was enlightening about the
>>> relations of charms.
>>> Only a comment till now, is each bundle a directed acyclic graph (DAG)?
>>> On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 7:10 PM Merlijn Sebrechts <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> The format is
>>>> - - <application-name1>:<endpoint-name1>
>>>>   - <application-name2>:<endpoint-name2>
>>>> Where application-name is the name of the _instance_ of the charm (as
>>>> defined in the applications section of bundle.yaml) and endpoint-name is
>>>> the name of the endpoint (requires/provides from metadata.yaml) that is
>>>> used to connect the two nodes.
>>>> Endpoint-name is optional if only one type of relation is possible
>>>> between the nodes (a relation is established between a required endpoint of
>>>> one node and a provides endpoint of the same interface type of the other
>>>> node). The : is not present if the endpoint name is not specified.
>>>> So the relations section is a 2 dimensional list, the first dimension
>>>> is an array of all the relations and the second dimension specifies which
>>>> endpoints of which nodes that relation connects.
>>>> And finally, the applications section is called "services" in some
>>>> bundles.
>>>> I think that covers most of the strange quirks, let me know if you have
>>>> more questions.
>>>> On Tue, 26 Jun 2018, 05:37 Ilias Tsoumas, <> wrote:
>>>>> Hello Merlijn and all,
>>>>> I developed a python script which fetching all the bundle.yml.
>>>>> Here is the repo:
>>>>> Merlijn special thanks for the help about the API.
>>>>> Now, there rise a new "problem". As I had mentioned in the first-post
>>>>> above I fetch bundles for the relations between nodes(charms). But there
>>>>> isn't an obvious annotation technique about how relations are described
>>>>> inside each bundle.yaml.
>>>>> Check some different examples below
>>>>> <>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> For example in the first:
>>>>> relations:
>>>>> - - haproxy:reverseproxy
>>>>> - wordpress:website
>>>>> - - wordpress:cache
>>>>> - memcached:cache
>>>>> - - wordpress:db
>>>>> - mariadb:db
>>>>> - - mariadb-slave:slave
>>>>> - mariadb:master
>>>>> - - nagios:nagios
>>>>> - wordpress:juju-info which is the topology of application graph. The
>>>>> ':' isn't denotes the edge between two charms? If yes, why - wordpress:db
>>>>> and - mariadb:db?
>>>>> There us someone who knows the annotation method of relations? Could
>>>>> you explain?
>>>>> BR,
>>>>> Ilias
>>>>> On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 2:11 PM Ilias Tsoumas <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Merlijn,
>>>>>> First of all thank you for your quick and essential answer!
>>>>>> Reply inline
>>>>>> Great to hear you're doing cool stuff with Juju! I recently asked a
>>>>>>> similar question for a paper I've written for CLOUD 2018
>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>> you want, I can send it to you in private (it's accepted but not 
>>>>>>> published
>>>>>>> yet).
>>>>>> Of course. I would like to read your paper. Also me and a colleague
>>>>>> work on performance estimations of app components (=charms). If I have
>>>>>> suspected properly your paper is related with performance
>>>>>> analysis/profiling thus it will be inspiration for us.
>>>>>> Here is the documentation for the charm store api:
>>>>>> I will check it.
>>>>>> Here is an Jupyter notebook I use to get metrics of charm and layer
>>>>>>> usage:
>>>>>>> It should be easy to modify that code to pull info about the bundles. 
>>>>>>> As an
>>>>>>> example; this is the URL to get all bundles in the Juju store:
>>>>>> Thank you! I hope to be feasible to pull all bundle.yaml with one
>>>>>> query/request.
>>>>>> BR,
>>>>>> Ilias
>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 3:22 PM Merlijn Sebrechts <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ilias
>>>>>>> Great to hear you're doing cool stuff with Juju! I recently asked a
>>>>>>> similar question for a paper I've written for CLOUD 2018
>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>> you want, I can send it to you in private (it's accepted but not 
>>>>>>> published
>>>>>>> yet).
>>>>>>> Here is the documentation for the charm store api:
>>>>>>>    - download the entire zip for a bundle:
>>>>>>>    - download a specific file of a bundle:
>>>>>>> Here is an Jupyter notebook I use to get metrics of charm and layer
>>>>>>> usage:
>>>>>>> It should be easy to modify that code to pull info about the bundles. 
>>>>>>> As an
>>>>>>> example; this is the URL to get all bundles in the Juju store:
>>>>>>> Cleaning up the data will be the hard part probably, since there are
>>>>>>> a lot of unused/broken bundles in the store. I've used the 
>>>>>>> downloads/month
>>>>>>> metric to figure out what charms are actually still used.
>>>>>>> Op ma 4 jun. 2018 om 14:05 schreef Ilias Tsoumas <>:
>>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>>> I have designed and I am developing a novel recommender system
>>>>>>>> which will provide recommendations at application graph (=bundle)
>>>>>>>> composition time. Now I need a real graphs dataset. I think that all 
>>>>>>>> juju
>>>>>>>> bundles of components is a good real dataset. Are there some how to
>>>>>>>> aggregate all these "bundle.yaml" files? Are there some api endpoint?
>>>>>>>> This work is funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
>>>>>>>> research and innovation program under grant agreement No 761898 project
>>>>>>>> Matilda.
>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>> Ilias Tsoumas
>>>>>>>> --
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