Our intention is to shift charm names entirely to the snap naming
system. It provides a much more useful approach to publication,
versioning, beta/rc/edge, CI/CD.

So I would ask the store team to make sure that every change they make
is a step in that direction, and preferably, that they are lifting
wholesale chunks of code from the snap world into the charm world.

We've learned a lot in the past five years, we should use that ;)


On 06/26/2018 04:46 PM, Martin Hilton wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> The statistics are based on the name of the charm itself. Once upon a
> time all charms contained the series in their name. Using your example
> above cs:~bigdata-charmers/trusty/hadoop-plugin-5
> (https://jujucharms.com/u/bigdata-charmers/hadoop-plugin/trusty/5) is
> a different charm from cs:~bigdata-charmers/xenial/hadoop-plugin-5
> (https://jujucharms.com/u/bigdata-charmers/hadoop-plugin/xenial/5).
> Later charms are generally multi-series where the series is not
> included in the name. For example
> cs:~bigdata-charmers/hadoop-plugin-35
> (https://jujucharms.com/u/bigdata-charmers/hadoop-plugin/35). You'll
> notice that to get the statistics for the later version of the charm
> are not accessible at
> https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/stats/counter/archive-download:xenial:hadoop-plugin:bigdata-charmers:35?by=day&start=2016-04-01&end=2018-06-20&include=promulgated,
> but can be found at
> https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v5/stats/counter/archive-download::hadoop-plugin:bigdata-charmers:35?by=day&start=2016-04-01&end=2018-06-20&include=promulgated.
> cs:~spiculecharms/apache-drill is considered a multi-series charm in
> this respect as there is no series in the name.
> I hope that clarifies things.
> ​
> Martin

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