IIRC older Juju used the default EC2 settings, which gave 8GB hard drives,
but newer should default to 32GB disks. I'm not sure how that varies across
all providers, though.

Note that you should always be able to bootstrap with a custom root-disk
constraint. eg "juju bootstrap --bootstrap-constraints root-disk=32G"

As for issues about the disk filling up, it would be good to have a bit
more information about what juju version, what types of workloads you're
deploying, etc. The data might be stale charm binaries that are being
cached by the server, or if it is Juju 1.X then it could be image caches,
or transaction log issues, etc.


On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 9:12 AM, Paul Gear <paul.g...@canonical.com> wrote:

> On 11/06/18 01:47, Daniel Bidwell wrote:
> > My juju controllers appear to be defaulting to a 10GB root disk. I am
> > running out of disk space on the controller. I have 6.7GB in
> > /var/lib/juju/db. Is there a way to reduce the disk usage on this?
> I think perhaps this is worth logging as a wishlist bug. A long-running
> production juju controller should never be deployed with a disk that
> small (our largest production cluster is already a little uncomfortable
> with 50 GB), and juju doesn't really distinguish between "this is a CI
> controller that's only going to be up long enough to run my test suite"
> and "this is going to run all of my production OpenStack VMs for the
> next year". It would be nice if you could tell it "size the controller
> for N live models".
> > If not, can I make the root disk larger? What are my options?
> That all depends on your underlying cloud infrastructure.  I believe
> some providers (e.g. GCE) make this really easy.
> > I have already cleared out kernel updates.
> Not directly related to juju controller sizing, but relevant to the
> above: I've been working on a little tool that handles many of the
> common scenarios we encounter, including kernel updates and other tools
> you may or may not use.  It's alpha quality; feedback & patches
> gratefully accepted:
> https://code.launchpad.net/~paulgear/+git/cleanup
> --
> Regards,
> Paul Gear
> Site Reliability Engineer
> Canonical - Information Systems
> --
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