A new development release of Juju is here, 2.4-beta1. Those wishing to utilize bionic for controllers should target and plan to use the 2.4 series of juju.

## New and Improved

* Model owner changes

The concept of model owner is becoming obsolete. Model owner is just another model user with administrative access. We are working to remove any special access that the model owner has, and move to having the models in a namespace rather than grouped by owner.

* Charm goal state

Charm goal state allows charms to discover relevant information about their deployment. The key pieces of information a charm needs to discover are:


   what other peer units have been deployed and their status


   what remote units exist on the other end of each endpoint, and their

Charms use a new goal-state hook command to query the information about their deployment. This hook command will print only yaml or json output (default yaml):

$ goal-state --format yaml

The output will be a subset of that produced by the juju status command. There will be output for sibling (peer) units and relation state per unit.

The unitstatus values are the workload status of the (sibling) peer units. We also use a unit status value of dyingwhen the unit's life becomes dying. Thus unit status is one of:













The relationstatus values are determined per unit and depend on whether the unit has entered or left scope. The possible values are:


   joining(relation created but unit not yet entered scope)


   joined(unit has entered scope and relation is active)


   broken(unit has left, or is preparing to leave scope)


   suspended(parent cross model relation is suspended)



By reporting error state, the charm has a chance to determine that goal state may not be reached due to some external cause. As with status, we will report the time since the status changed to allow the charm to empirically guess that a peer may have become stuck if it has not yet reached active state.

* Controllers and remove-machine updates


   It is now possible to `juju remove-machine` a controller machine. As
   long as there is another controller, we will gracefully shut down
   the existing machine, and remove it from the HA set (of mongo, raft,
   and juju API servers).


   It is also possible to `juju remove-machine --force` for those
   conditions where the machine is not available to be gracefully
   removed. Currently this is not guaranteed to remove the machine from
   the Mongo replicaset, so it should be used only as a last resort.


   There is also a known issue that trying to `juju remove-machine` the
   machine that is currently the Mongo primary will not cleanup
   properly. This should be addressed in the next 2.4 release.


   In future 2.4 releases, we will also be updating `juju enable-ha` to
   remove its logic around demoting machines. Instead, `juju enable-ha`
   will only be a way to ensure that you have the correct number of
   controller machines being started/intended to participate in HA.
   This will also fix issues around launching 2 new machines (going to
   5) while machines 2 and 3 are still starting.

* Controller configuration options for spaces

Two new controller configuration settings have been introduced. These are:





juju-mgmt-spaceis the name of the network space used by agents to communicate with controllers. Setting a value for this item limits the IP addresses of controller API endpoints in agent config, to those in the space. If the value is misconfigured so as to expose no addresses to agents, then a fallback to all available addressesresults. Juju client communication with controllers is unaffected by this value.

Juju-ha-spaceis the name of the network space used for MongoDB replica-set communication in high availability (HA) setups. This replaces the previously auto-detected space used for such communication. When enabling HA, this value mustbe set where member machines in a HA set have more than one IP address available for MongoDB use, otherwise an error will be reported. Existing HA replica sets with multiple available addresses will report a warning instead of an error provided the members and addresses remain unchanged.

Using either of these options during bootstrap or enable-ha effectively adds constraints to machine provisioning. The commands will fail with an error if such constraints can not be satisfied.

* Cloud credential changes

Cloud credentials are used by models to authenticate communications with the underlying provider as well as to perform authorised operations on this provider.

Juju has always dealt with both cloud credentials stored locallyon a user’s client machine as well as the cloud credentials stored remotelyon a bootstrapped Juju controller. The distinction has not been made clear previously and this release addresses these ambiguities.

$ juju show-model ...

Basic cloud credential information such as its name and owner have been added to the command output.

$ juju show-credential ...

This is a new command that shows a logged on user their remotely stored cloud credentials along with models that use them.

See command help for more information.

## Fixes

For a list of all bugs fixed in this release, see https://launchpad.net/juju/+milestone/2.4-beta1

Some important fixes include:

* juju resolve fix / improvement

add support for --all https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1755141

--no-retry behaviour is inverted https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1762979

* support for st1 and sc1 volume types on AWS


* support for new AWS instance types


## How can I get it?

The best way to get your hands on this release of Juju is to install it as a snap package (see https://snapcraft.io/for more info on snaps).

   snap install juju --classic --beta

Other packages are available for a variety of platforms. Please see the online documentation at https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/reference-install. Those subscribed to a snap channel should be automatically upgraded. If you’re using the ppa/homebrew, you should see an upgrade available.

## Feedback Appreciated!

We encourage everyone to let us know how you're using Juju. Send us a

message on Twitter using #jujucharms, join us at #juju on freenode, and

subscribe to the mailing list at juju@lists.ubuntu.com.

## More information

To learn more about juju please visit https://jujucharms.com.

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