Some progress. It's complaining about "password expired"? What does it mean?
Here is a debug trace running via `juju bootstrap --show-log --debug
(dev) fengxia@ubuntu:~$ juju bootstrap --show-log --debug localhost devlocal
21:17:23 INFO juju.cmd supercommand.go:56 running juju [2.3.3 gc go1.9.2]
21:17:23 DEBUG juju.cmd supercommand.go:57 args:
[]string{"/snap/juju/3452/bin/juju", "bootstrap", "--show-log",
"--debug", "localhost", "devlocal"}
21:17:23 DEBUG client.go:235 LXD snap socket not
found, falling back to debian socket: "/var/lib/lxd"
21:17:23 DEBUG client.go:252 connecting to LXD
remote "local": "unix:///var/lib/lxd/unix.socket"
21:17:23 INFO client.go:306 using LXD API version
21:17:23 INFO client.go:355 LXD "default" profile
uses network bridge "lxdbr0"
21:17:23 INFO cmd provider.go:189 Resolved LXD host address on bridge
21:17:23 INFO cmd cloudcredential.go:51 no credentials found, checking
21:17:23 DEBUG client.go:229 Using environment
LXD_DIR as socket path: "/var/lib/lxd"
21:17:23 DEBUG client.go:252 connecting to LXD
remote "local": "unix:///var/lib/lxd/unix.socket"
21:17:23 INFO client.go:306 using LXD API version
21:17:23 INFO client.go:355 LXD "default" profile
uses network bridge "lxdbr0"
21:17:23 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:835 authenticating
with region "" and credential "localhost" ()
21:17:23 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:963 provider attrs: map[]
21:17:24 INFO cmd authkeys.go:114 Adding contents of
"/home/fengxia/.local/share/juju/ssh/" to authorized-keys
21:17:24 INFO cmd authkeys.go:114 Adding contents of
"/home/fengxia/.ssh/" to authorized-keys
21:17:24 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1019 preparing
controller with config: map[default-series:xenial
no-proxy:,localhost,::1 ftp-proxy:
update-status-hook-interval:5m https-proxy:
enable-os-refresh-update:true apt-mirror: name:controller
development:false max-status-history-size:5G image-stream:released
max-action-results-age:336h proxy-ssh:false
uuid:ffe164a4-5717-41eb-8531-6b1c7d460d42 net-bond-reconfigure-delay:17
test-mode:false cloudinit-userdata: authorized-keys:ssh-rsa
apt-http-proxy: ignore-machine-addresses:false fan-config:
logging-config: automatically-retry-hooks:true
container-networking-method: provisioner-harvest-mode:destroyed
resource-tags: max-status-history-age:336h type:lxd apt-ftp-proxy:
apt-https-proxy: http-proxy: transmit-vendor-metrics:true
firewall-mode:instance logforward-enabled:false enable-os-upgrade:true
container-inherit-properties: agent-metadata-url:
ssl-hostname-verification:true egress-subnets:
max-action-results-size:5G image-metadata-url:
disable-network-management:false apt-no-proxy: agent-stream:released]
21:17:24 DEBUG client.go:229 Using environment
LXD_DIR as socket path: "/var/lib/lxd"
21:17:24 DEBUG client.go:252 connecting to LXD
remote "remote": ""
21:17:24 INFO client.go:306 using LXD API version
21:17:24 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:508 Creating Juju controller "devlocal"
on localhost/localhost
21:17:24 INFO juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:572 combined
bootstrap constraints:
21:17:24 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:199 model
"controller" supports service/machine networks: false
21:17:24 DEBUG juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:201 network
management by juju enabled: true
21:17:24 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:233 Loading image metadata
21:17:24 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:303 Looking for packaged Juju agent
version 2.3.3 for amd64
21:17:24 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap tools.go:72 looking for bootstrap
agent binaries: version=2.3.3
21:17:24 DEBUG tools.go:102 finding agent binaries
in stream: "released"
21:17:24 DEBUG tools.go:104 reading agent binaries
with major.minor version 2.3
21:17:24 DEBUG tools.go:112 filtering agent binaries
by version: 2.3.3
21:17:24 DEBUG tools.go:118 filtering agent binaries
by architecture: amd64
21:17:24 DEBUG urls.go:109 trying datasource
"keystone catalog"
21:17:25 DEBUG juju.environs.simplestreams simplestreams.go:683 using
default candidate for content id "com.ubuntu.juju:released:tools" are
{20161007 mirrors:1.0 content-download streams/v1/cpc-mirrors.sjson []}
21:17:27 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap tools.go:74 found 15 packaged
agent binaries
21:17:27 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:389 Starting new instance for initial
21:17:27 INFO cmd environ.go:152 To configure your system to better
support LXD containers, please see:
21:17:28 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:151 Launching controller instance(s) on
21:17:28 DEBUG juju.provider.lxd environ_broker.go:35 StartInstance:
"0", xenial
21:17:28 DEBUG juju.cloudconfig.instancecfg instancecfg.go:835 Setting
numa ctl preference to false
21:17:28 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:112 obtained image
datasource "default cloud images"
21:17:28 DEBUG juju.environs imagemetadata.go:112 obtained image
datasource "default ubuntu cloud images"
21:17:28 DEBUG juju.provider.lxd environ_broker.go:107 LXD requires
https://, using:
21:17:28 DEBUG juju.service discovery.go:63 discovered init system
"systemd" from series "xenial"
21:17:28 DEBUG juju.provider.lxd environ_broker.go:225 LXD user data;
3977 bytes
21:17:28 INFO juju.provider.lxd environ_broker.go:206 starting instance
"juju-460d42-0" (image "juju/xenial/amd64")...
21:17:36 INFO juju.provider.lxd environ_broker.go:51 started instance
21:17:36 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:225 - juju-460d42-0 (arch=amd64)
21:17:36 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:638 newest version:
21:17:36 INFO juju.environs.bootstrap bootstrap.go:653 picked bootstrap
agent binary version: 2.3.3
21:17:36 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:425 Installing Juju agent on bootstrap
21:17:38 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:517 Fetching Juju GUI 2.11.3
21:17:38 DEBUG juju.cloudconfig.instancecfg instancecfg.go:835 Setting
numa ctl preference to false
Waiting for address
Attempting to connect to
21:17:48 DEBUG juju.provider.common bootstrap.go:564 connection attempt
for failed: WARNING: Your password has expired.
Password change required but no TTY available.
21:17:53 DEBUG juju.provider.common bootstrap.go:564 connection attempt
for failed: WARNING: Your password has expired.
Password change required but no TTY available.
21:17:59 DEBUG juju.provider.common bootstrap.go:564 connection attempt
for failed: WARNING: Your password has expired.
Password change required but no TTY available.
21:18:04 DEBUG juju.provider.common bootstrap.go:564 connection attempt
for failed: WARNING: Your password has expired.
Password change required but no TTY available.
^C21:18:07 INFO cmd bootstrap.go:550 Interrupt signalled: waiting for
bootstrap to exit
21:18:07 ERROR juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:528 failed to
bootstrap model: interrupted
21:18:07 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:529 (error details:
[{ failed to
bootstrap model} {interrupted}])
21:18:07 DEBUG juju.cmd.juju.commands bootstrap.go:1126 cleaning up
after failed bootstrap
21:18:07 INFO juju.provider.common destroy.go:20 destroying model
21:18:07 INFO juju.provider.common destroy.go:31 destroying instances
21:18:09 INFO juju.provider.common destroy.go:55 destroying storage
21:18:09 DEBUG juju.provider.lxd environ.go:194 instances: []
On 02/21/2018 04:11 PM, fengxia wrote:
Hi Juju,
Is anyone seeing this? I'm running the same setup as yesterday's, then
updated `apt update && apt upgrade` this morning. All of a sudden
`juju bootstrap localhost ..` stuck at Attempting to connect. LXC
container was created and had an IP, but juju won't connect somehow?
1. Tried reconfiguring LXD to different network addresses, not helpful.
2. Made sure `.local/share/juju/ssh/juju_id_rsa` has mode 0600
Any idea what to try?
Feng Xia
Advisory Engineer
Datacenter Group (DCG), Lenovo US
8000 Development Dr, Morrisiville, NC 27509
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