Hi James On Wed, 14 Feb 2018 at 20:22 James Beedy <jamesbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, > > I am experiencing some issues with a base-openstack deploy. > > I can get a base-openstack to deploy legitimately using MAAS with no > apparent errors from Juju's perspective. Following some init ops and the > launching of an instance, I find myself stuck with errors I'm unsure how to > diagnose. I upload an image, create my networks, flavors, and launch an > instance, and see the instance erring out with a "host not found" error > when I try to launch them. > > My nova/ceph node and neutron node interface configuration [0] all have a > single flat 1G mgmt-net interface configured via MAAS, and vlans trunked in > on enp4s0f0 (untracked by maas). > > > Looking to the nova logs, I find [1] [2] > You can ignore most of those errors - prior to the charm being fully configured the daemons will log some error messages about broken db/rmq etc... newer reactive charms tend to disable services until config is complete, older classic ones do not. The compute node is not recording and error which would indicate some sort of scheduler problem - /var/log/nova/nova-scheduler.log from the nova-cloud-controller would tell us more. The bundle I'm using [3] is lightly modified version of the openstack base > bundle [4] with modifications to match my machine tags and mac addresses > for my machines. > Seems reasonable - bundles are meant as a start point after all! I've gone back and forth with network and charm config trying different > combinations in hope this error is caused by some misconfiguration on my > end, but I am now convinced this is something outside of my scope as an > operator, and am hoping for some insight from the greater community. > > I seem to be able to reproduce this consistently (using both Juju < 2.3.2 > and 2.3.2). > > Not even sure if I should create a bug somewhere as I'm not 100% sure this > isn't my fault. Let me know if additional info is needed. > Lets dig into the scheduler log and see. Cheers James
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