I have a juju controller, uncloud, in a container in a vmware vm.  The
controller has a manually provisioned machine deployed happily.  I
tried to manually provision a second machine.  It is stuck in pending
with no progress after a day of waiting.  I can ssh to ubuntu@host just
fine with the ssh keys installed.

I am provisioning from a machine with juju 2.3.2 and the controller has
version 2.2.6 on it (now unsupported).  I have attempted to do "juju
upgrade-juju -m uncloud" and it happily says that it is upgrading to
2.3.2, but I never see any progress with that either (after hours or

What is the secret sauce for making these thing work?  For some reason,
whenever I have trouble with my juju environment, I have to destory it
and set up the controllers from scrap.  I guess I just don't have the
juju for juju :-(  I do like being able to develop charms for my apps
and deploy them though.
Daniel Bidwell <drbidw...@gmail.com>

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