Hi Cory,


I’ve made that change for sme-1 and it was successful.


Strangely I’m not seeing it via charm list:


$ charm list -u storage-made-easy







Steven Sweeting. Director, Product Management
Storage Made Easy | Twitter: Storage Made Easy | +1 510.213.0965
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From: Cory Johns <cory.jo...@canonical.com>
Date: Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 7:50 AM
To: Steven Sweeting <ste...@storagemadeeasy.com>
Cc: juju <juju@lists.ubuntu.com>, Tim Van Steenburgh 
Subject: Re: Submission of sme-1 for charm store




I can see ~storage-made-easy/xenial/sme-1 but not 
~storage-made-easy/xenial/sme-0.  Can you try granting perms to the charmers 
admin group:


    charm grant ~storage-made-easy/xenial/sme-1 --acl write charmers


On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Steven Sweeting <ste...@storagemadeeasy.com> 

Hi Cory,


Thanks for taking a look.  I’m still getting the same error.


$ charm release ~storage-made-easy/xenial/sme-0 --channel stable

ERROR cannot release charm or bundle: access denied for user "ssweeting"


Not sure if it’s related but I had previously done a charm revoke read to 
everyone for sme-0 as I’d already pushed sme-1.  Though now sme-1 is showing up 
as sme-0.





From: Cory Johns <cory.jo...@canonical.com>

To: juju <juju@lists.ubuntu.com>

Subject: Re: Submission of sme-1 for charm store



Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"




I've unpromulgated the charm which I think may give you access to release

it to stable within the ~storage-made-easy namespace.  Can you please try

that again and let me know if it works?  If so, I should be able to

re-promulgate afterward and grant you access again.


On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 12:33 PM, Steven Sweeting <ste...@storagemadeeasy.com




From: Steven Sweeting <ste...@storagemadeeasy.com>
Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 9:33 AM
To: Tim Van Steenburgh <tim.van.steenbu...@canonical.com>
Cc: juju <juju@lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: Submission of sme-1 for charm store


Hi Tim,


I can publish to the edge channel but not to stable - I’m getting permission 

$ charm release ~storage-made-easy/xenial/sme-0 --channel edge

url: cs:~storage-made-easy/xenial/sme-0

channel: edge

$ charm release ~storage-made-easy/xenial/sme-0 --channel stable

ERROR cannot release charm or bundle: access denied for user "ssweeting"


$ charm version

charm 2.2.2

charm-tools 2.2.3





Error! Filename not specified.Steven Sweeting. Director, Product Management
Storage Made Easy | Twitter: Storage Made Easy | +1 510.213.0965
Email: Steven Sweeting | Blog: blog.storagemadeeasy.com | Skype 

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From: Tim Van Steenburgh <tim.van.steenbu...@canonical.com>
Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 7:16 AM
To: Steven Sweeting <ste...@storagemadeeasy.com>
Cc: juju <juju@lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: Submission of sme-1 for charm store


Hi Steven,


Sure, can you `charm publish` your charm please (it's not currently in the the 
stable channel). See `charm publish -h` for more info.





On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 6:59 PM, Steven Sweeting <ste...@storagemadeeasy.com> 



I’d like to respectively request that our new charm sme be considered for 
promulgation to the charm store.







Error! Filename not specified.Steven Sweeting. Director, Product Management
Storage Made Easy | Twitter: Storage Made Easy | +1 510.213.0965
Email: Steven Sweeting | Blog: blog.storagemadeeasy.com | Skype 

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