If it works, great. But I have the feeling we only run in a hook context
for units and so opened-ports isn't available for a machine. (There are no
machine level hooks, as applications are always unit level)


On Dec 2, 2017 13:30, "Merlijn Sebrechts" <merlijn.sebrec...@gmail.com>

> Yes, so with juju-run you could run 'opened-ports' in the hook context of
> each unit on that machine, and this get all the opened+ports on the machine.
> On 2 Dec 2017 04:26, "John Meinel" <j...@arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
>> I'm pretty sure that opened-ports only reports the ports that Juju had
>> opened for the charm that is making the request. I don't think we list all
>> ports opened on the machine for all other applications.
>> So you might need to have a relation that can report it's opened ports to
>> the subordinate
>> John
>> =:->
>> On Dec 1, 2017 20:58, "Michał Ajduk" <michal.aj...@canonical.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> You can take a look at iptables charm. It does the "easy part", that is
>>> admin defined ruleset.
>>> I was actually thinking of making it also use the open ports. I'm pretty
>>> sure juju-info relation has the open ports data, but I can take a look.
>>> BR,
>>> Michal
>>> 01.12.2017 16:52 "Tom Barber" <t...@spicule.co.uk> napisał(a):
>>> Hello folks
>>> I want to write a firewall charm for those deployments that aren't in
>>> the cloud. The "easy" thing to do is provide a config block and have admins
>>> write in rules and just apply them. I was wondering though, if I wrote a
>>> subordinate charm on juju-info to attach to anything, is there any
>>> mechanism for me to find the exposed port of the parent charm? and whether
>>> its exposed or not?
>>> Ta
>>> Tom
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