On 22.11.2017 23:26, Haw Loeung wrote:
> Hi Tilman,
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 04:02:08PM +0100, Tilman Baumann wrote:
>> However, that doesn't seem to work. Juju complains the relation doesn't
>> exist.
>> $ juju add-relation cassandra-backup:database cassandra:database
>> ERROR no relations found
>> So, is there a interface that I can (ab-)use in a similar way?
>> I don't  want to build a full blown cassandra interface and at it to the
>> list.
> Not sure if you've seen this, but I did some work recently with
> something similar to backup Cassandra DBs:
> | https://jujucharms.com/u/hloeung/cassandra-backup/
> It's currently still experimental and uses the CQL COPY
> TO... commands. The Cassandra charm already ships out the required
> credentials so tools such as cqlsh should just work.

In light of this, I should perhaps consider renaming my charm
End goal might be to combine the two.

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