A new release of Juju is here, 2.3-rc1. This is primarily a bug fix release which addresses issues carried over from beta3.
## New and Improved * Changed flags for deploying bundles to existing machines When deploying bundles, machines specified in the bundle are added to the model as new machines. In order to use the existing machines in the model rather than create new machines, the option --map-machines=existing can be used. To specify particular machines for the mapping, multiple comma separated values of the form "bundle-id=existing-id" can be passed where the bundle-id and the existing-id refer to top level machine IDs. For example, if there were a bundle that specified machines 1, 2, and 3, and the model had machines 1, 2, 3 and 4, the following deployment of the bundle would use machines 1 and 2 in the model for machines 1 and 2 in the bundle and use machine 4 in the model for the bundle machine 3. juju deploy some-bundle --map-machines existing,3=4 * Bundle deploy flag --bundle-config replaced with --overlay. The bundle config files used to allow overwriting configuration values of applications that had already been defined in the base bundle, but did nothing else. The overlay files are now full bundles in their own right. The overlay bundle can specify new applications, change values like the previous bundle-config files, and also specify the removal of an application in the base bundle. An application can be removed from the bundle definition by defining the application name in the application section, but no values specified. Removing an application also removes all the relations for that application. If a machines section is specified in an overlay bundle it replaces the machines section of the base bundle. No merging of machine information is attempted. Multiple overlay bundles can be specified and they are processed in the order they appear on the command line. ## Fixes For a list of all bugs fixed in this release, see https://launchpad.net/juju/+milestone/2.3-rc1 ## How can I get it? The best way to get your hands on this release of Juju is to install it as a snap package (see https://snapcraft.io/ for more info on snaps). snap install juju --classic --candidate Other packages are available for a variety of platforms. Please see the online documentation at https://jujucharms.com/docs/stable/reference-install. Those subscribed to a snap channel should be automatically upgraded. If you’re using the ppa/homebrew, you should see an upgrade available. ## Feedback Appreciated! We encourage everyone to let us know how you're using Juju. Send us a message on Twitter using #jujucharms, join us at #juju on freenode, and subscribe to the mailing list at juju@lists.ubuntu.com. ## More information To learn more about juju please visit https://jujucharms.com.
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