
You can run commands on a juju deployed machine using juju run.
For the most part juju run command would be more than sufficient
but there is also an option to ssh into a machine.
Here is summary of juju run command from the documentation

Usage: juju run [options] <commands>


Run the commands on the remote targets specified.
Openvpn is a charm like any other.
Once you've deployed openvpn on a machine you can then  `juju run`
from your terminal to execute arbitrary commands on that machine.

The run command also takes in parameters that allow you to specify the
based upon applications and models instead of machine identifiers.


 juju run --all --model=controller:model 'ls'

This will run "ls" command on all the machines with that match the
"controller:model" key

Essentially all you have to do is to somehow identify the targets on which
you want to run
your commands. And you do that by using one of the many options that the
command provides
to filter the targets.

Hope that helps!


On Sun, Oct 29, 2017 at 4:30 AM, Naas Si Ahmed <naas.si.ah...@gmail.com>

> I'm working on a Juju project which requires remote configuration.
> Does Juju provide any solution to remotely access to services ?
> And what about the charm openvpn?
> Thanks.
> --
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