Hi Michael

The versions you are using are very, very old! Can I suggest that you use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and conjure-up, which is the current recommended version:

Step-by-step instructions are here:



On 10/22/2017 04:51 AM, Michael wrote:

------------------ Original ------------------
*From: * "? ??";<lvyufeng2...@hotmail.com>;
*Date: * Fri, Oct 20, 2017 09:01 PM
*To: * "jo...@heptio.com"<jo...@heptio.com>;
*Cc: * "Michael"<2692613...@qq.com>;
*Subject: * Some Juju issues when we take deploy tests, Chinese user

Dear Jorge Castro:

       We are the Juju user from China. As we finished the deployment of CORD in a box, which mainly use juju to control the final step to deploy MAAS and openstack. We got a lot of problems, and to understand how Juju works, we have done some local test in VM. There are some new questions occurs, hope get your help.

       We use juju 1.25 version on Ubuntu 14.04, cloud is local LXC

1.We completely install a MySQL database, and connect it with one web driver. But when we add another one,  it failed. So the question is that, did one deployed MySQL unit support for multi-web to use?

2.When we install the mediawiki unit, there shows an error as below:

//var/lib/juju/agents/unit-mediawiki-0/charm/hooks/config-changed: application-version-set: not found/

//We cannot find that path //var/lib/juju/agents/ /in our VM, did it download from Internet or change the filepath to others?

3.Besides, there is a misunderstanding error:

/2017-10-20 02:58:51 WARNING juju.cmd.jujud machine.go:938 determining kvm support: INFO: Your CPU does not support KVM extensions/

KVM acceleration can NOT be used: exit status 1 no kvm containers possible

We use LXC container to install this, but it shows the information that need KVM support, we still confuse with that, hopes you can give some advice or solution.

4.Which path is the JujuCharm installed or downloaded , we have found one path, named charmcache

But it just was a zip file, is that a temp directory or not? And how can we find the runtime directory of Charm?

5.We have already read all the docs from jujucharms.com, but we do not have a global understanding for juju and JujuCharm. Could you provide some Docs which have some details or the abstract architecture for Juju? With that docs ,we could have a deeply understand and fix error easily.

Thanks for reading these questions, we sincerely hope your suggestions. And best wishes for you!

              CORD development team,

                                      Chongqing University, China

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