kowshik commented on a change in pull request #9409:
URL: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/9409#discussion_r504296681

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/admin/FeatureCommand.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package kafka.admin
+import kafka.server.BrokerFeatures
+import kafka.utils.{CommandDefaultOptions, CommandLineUtils, Exit}
+import org.apache.kafka.clients.CommonClientConfigs
+import org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.{Admin, DescribeFeaturesOptions, 
FeatureMetadata, FeatureUpdate, UpdateFeaturesOptions}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.feature.{Features, SupportedVersionRange}
+import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.Utils
+import java.util.Properties
+import scala.collection.Seq
+import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+import joptsimple.OptionSpec
+object FeatureCommand {
+  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+    val opts = new FeatureCommandOptions(args)
+    val featureApis = new FeatureApis(opts)
+    var exitCode = 0
+    try {
+      featureApis.execute()
+    } catch {
+      case e: IllegalArgumentException =>
+        printException(e)
+        opts.parser.printHelpOn(System.err)
+        exitCode = 1
+      case e: Throwable =>
+        printException(e)
+        exitCode = 1
+    } finally {
+      featureApis.close()
+      Exit.exit(exitCode)
+    }
+  }
+  private def printException(exception: Throwable): Unit = {
+    System.err.println("\nError encountered when executing command: " + 
+  }
+class UpdateFeaturesException(message: String) extends 
+ * A class that provides necessary APIs to bridge the Admin client feature 
APIs with the CLI tool.
+ *
+ * @param opts the CLI options
+ */
+class FeatureApis(var opts: FeatureCommandOptions) {
+  private var supportedFeatures = 
+  private val adminClient = createAdminClient()
+  private def pad(op: String): String = {
+    f"$op%11s"
+  }
+  private val addOp = pad("[Add]")
+  private val upgradeOp = pad("[Upgrade]")
+  private val deleteOp = pad("[Delete]")
+  private val downgradeOp = pad("[Downgrade]")
+  // For testing only.
+  def setSupportedFeatures(newFeatures: Features[SupportedVersionRange]): Unit 
= {
+    supportedFeatures = newFeatures
+  }
+  // For testing only.
+  def setOptions(newOpts: FeatureCommandOptions): Unit = {
+    opts = newOpts
+  }
+  private def describeFeatures(sendRequestToController: Boolean): 
FeatureMetadata = {
+    val options = new 
+    adminClient.describeFeatures(options).featureMetadata().get()
+  }
+  /**
+   * Describes the supported and finalized features. If the --from-controller 
CLI option
+   * is provided, then the request is issued only to the controller, otherwise 
the request is issued
+   * to any of the provided bootstrap servers.
+   */
+  def describeFeatures(): Unit = {
+    val result = describeFeatures(opts.hasFromControllerOption)
+    val features = result.supportedFeatures.asScala.keys.toSet ++ 
+    features.toList.sorted.foreach {
+      case feature =>
+        val (finalizedMinVersionLevel, finalizedMaxVersionLevel) = {
+          val finalizedVersionRange = result.finalizedFeatures.get(feature)
+          if (finalizedVersionRange == null) {
+            ("-", "-")
+          } else {
+            (finalizedVersionRange.minVersionLevel, 
+          }
+        }
+        val epoch = {
+          if (result.finalizedFeaturesEpoch.isPresent) {
+            result.finalizedFeaturesEpoch.get.toString
+          } else {
+            "-"
+          }
+        }
+        val (supportedMinVersion, supportedMaxVersion) = {
+          val supportedVersionRange = result.supportedFeatures.get(feature)
+          if (supportedVersionRange == null) {
+            ("-", "-")
+          } else {
+            (supportedVersionRange.minVersion, 
+          }
+        }
+        print(s"Feature: $feature")
+        print(s"\tSupportedMinVersion: $supportedMinVersion")
+        print(s"\tSupportedMaxVersion: $supportedMaxVersion")
+        print(s"\tFinalizedMinVersionLevel: $finalizedMinVersionLevel")
+        print(s"\tFinalizedMaxVersionLevel: $finalizedMaxVersionLevel")
+        println(s"\tEpoch: $epoch")
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Upgrades all features known to this tool to their highest max version 
levels. The method may
+   * add new finalized features if they were not finalized previously, but it 
does not delete
+   * any existing finalized feature. The results of the feature updates are 
written to STDOUT.
+   *
+   * NOTE: if the --dry-run CLI option is provided, this method only prints 
the expected feature
+   * updates to STDOUT, without applying them.
+   *
+   * @throws UpdateFeaturesException if at least one of the feature updates 
+   */
+  def upgradeAllFeatures(): Unit = {
+    val metadata = describeFeatures(true)
+    val existingFinalizedFeatures = metadata.finalizedFeatures
+    val updates = supportedFeatures.features.asScala.map {
+      case (feature, targetVersionRange) =>
+        val existingVersionRange = existingFinalizedFeatures.get(feature)
+        if (existingVersionRange == null) {
+          val updateStr =
+            addOp +
+            s"\tFeature: $feature" +
+            s"\tExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: -" +
+            s"\tNewFinalizedMaxVersion: ${targetVersionRange.max}"
+          (feature, (updateStr, new FeatureUpdate(targetVersionRange.max, 
+        } else {
+          if (targetVersionRange.max > existingVersionRange.maxVersionLevel) {
+            val updateStr =
+              upgradeOp +
+              s"\tFeature: $feature" +
+              s"\tExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 
${existingVersionRange.maxVersionLevel}" +
+              s"\tNewFinalizedMaxVersion: ${targetVersionRange.max}"
+            (feature, (updateStr, new FeatureUpdate(targetVersionRange.max, 
+          } else {
+            (feature, null)
+          }
+        }
+    }.filter{ case(_, updateInfo) => updateInfo != null}.toMap
+    if (updates.nonEmpty) {
+      maybeApplyFeatureUpdates(updates)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Downgrades existing finalized features to the highest max version levels 
known to this tool.
+   * The method may delete existing finalized features if they are no longer 
seen to be supported,
+   * but it does not add a feature that was not finalized previously. The 
results of the feature
+   * updates are written to STDOUT.
+   *
+   * NOTE: if the --dry-run CLI option is provided, this method only prints 
the expected feature
+   * updates to STDOUT, without applying them.
+   *
+   * @throws UpdateFeaturesException if at least one of the feature updates 
+   */
+  def downgradeAllFeatures(): Unit = {
+    val metadata = describeFeatures(true)
+    val existingFinalizedFeatures = metadata.finalizedFeatures
+    val supportedFeaturesMap = supportedFeatures.features
+    val updates = existingFinalizedFeatures.asScala.map {
+      case (feature, existingVersionRange) =>
+        val targetVersionRange = supportedFeaturesMap.get(feature)
+        if (targetVersionRange == null) {
+          val updateStr =
+            deleteOp +
+            s"\tFeature: $feature" +
+            s"\tExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 
${existingVersionRange.maxVersionLevel}" +
+            s"\tNewFinalizedMaxVersion: -"
+          (feature, (updateStr, new FeatureUpdate(0, true)))
+        } else {
+          if (targetVersionRange.max < existingVersionRange.maxVersionLevel) {
+            val updateStr =
+              downgradeOp +
+              s"\tFeature: $feature" +
+              s"\tExistingFinalizedMaxVersion: 
${existingVersionRange.maxVersionLevel}" +
+              s"\tNewFinalizedMaxVersion: ${targetVersionRange.max}"
+            (feature, (updateStr, new FeatureUpdate(targetVersionRange.max, 
+          } else {
+            (feature, null)
+          }
+        }
+    }.filter{ case(_, updateInfo) => updateInfo != null}.toMap
+    if (updates.nonEmpty) {
+      maybeApplyFeatureUpdates(updates)
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Applies the provided feature updates. If the --dry-run CLI option is 
provided, the method
+   * only prints the expected feature updates to STDOUT without applying them.
+   *
+   * @param updates the feature updates to be applied via the admin client
+   *
+   * @throws UpdateFeaturesException if at least one of the feature updates 
+   */
+  private def maybeApplyFeatureUpdates(updates: Map[String, (String, 
FeatureUpdate)]): Unit = {
+    if (opts.hasDryRunOption) {
+      println("Expected feature updates:")
+      println(ListMap(updates.toSeq.sortBy(_._1):_*)
+                .map { case(_, (updateStr, _)) => updateStr}
+                .mkString("\n"))
+    } else {
+      val result = adminClient.updateFeatures(
+        updates.map { case(feature, (_, update)) => (feature, update)}.asJava,
+        new UpdateFeaturesOptions())
+      val failures = ListMap(result.values.asScala.toSeq.sortBy(_._1):_*).map {
+        case (feature, updateFuture) =>
+          val (updateStr, _) = updates(feature)
+          try {
+            updateFuture.get
+            println(updateStr + "\tResult: OK")
+            0
+          } catch {
+            case e: Exception =>
+              println(updateStr + "\tResult: FAILED due to " + e.getMessage)
+              1
+          }
+      }.sum
+      if (failures > 0) {
+        throw new UpdateFeaturesException(s"$failures feature updates failed!")
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  def execute(): Unit = {
+    if (opts.hasDescribeOption) {
+      describeFeatures()
+    } else if (opts.hasUpgradeAllOption) {
+      upgradeAllFeatures()
+    } else if (opts.hasDowngradeAllOption) {
+      downgradeAllFeatures()
+    } else {
+      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected state: no CLI command could 
be executed.")
+    }
+  }
+  def close(): Unit = {
+    adminClient.close()
+  }
+  private def createAdminClient(): Admin = {
+    val props = new Properties()
+    props.put(CommonClientConfigs.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, 
+    Admin.create(props)
+  }
+class FeatureCommandOptions(args: Array[String]) extends 
CommandDefaultOptions(args) {
+  private val bootstrapServerOpt =
+    parser.accepts("bootstrap-server", "REQUIRED: The Kafka server(s) to 
connect to.")
+      .withRequiredArg
+      .describedAs("server to connect to")
+      .ofType(classOf[String])
+  private val describeOpt = parser.accepts(
+    "describe",
+    "Describe supported and finalized features. By default, the features are 
described from a" +
+    " random broker. The request can be optionally directed only to the 
controller using the" +
+    " --from-controller option.")
+  private val fromControllerOpt = parser.accepts(
+    "from-controller",
+    "Describe supported and finalized features from the controller.")
+  private val upgradeAllOpt = parser.accepts(
+    "upgrade-all",
+    "Upgrades all finalized features to the maximum version levels known to 
the tool." +
+    " This command finalizes new features known to the tool that were never 
finalized" +
+    " previously in the cluster, but it is guaranteed to not delete any 
existing feature.")
+  private val downgradeAllOpt = parser.accepts(
+    "downgrade-all",
+    "Downgrades all finalized features to the maximum version levels known to 
the tool." +
+    " This command deletes unknown features from the list of finalized 
features in the" +
+    " cluster, but it is guaranteed to not add a new feature.")
+  private val dryRunOpt = parser.accepts(
+    "dry-run",
+    "Performs a dry-run of upgrade/downgrade mutations to finalized feature 
without applying them.")
+  options = parser.parse(args : _*)
+  checkArgs()
+  def has(builder: OptionSpec[_]): Boolean = options.has(builder)
+  def hasDescribeOption: Boolean = has(describeOpt)
+  def hasFromControllerOption: Boolean = has(fromControllerOpt)
+  def hasDryRunOption: Boolean = has(dryRunOpt)
+  def hasUpgradeAllOption: Boolean = has(upgradeAllOpt)
+  def hasDowngradeAllOption: Boolean = has(downgradeAllOpt)
+  def bootstrapServers: String = options.valueOf(bootstrapServerOpt)
+  def checkArgs(): Unit = {
+    CommandLineUtils.printHelpAndExitIfNeeded(this, "This tool describes and 
updates finalized features.")
+    val numActions = Seq(describeOpt, upgradeAllOpt, 
+    if (numActions != 1) {
+      CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(
+        parser,
+        "Command must include exactly one action: --describe, --upgrade-all, 
+    }
+    CommandLineUtils.checkRequiredArgs(parser, options, bootstrapServerOpt)
+    if (hasDryRunOption && !hasUpgradeAllOption && !hasDowngradeAllOption) {
+      CommandLineUtils.printUsageAndDie(
+        parser,
+        "Command can contain --dry-run option only when either --upgrade-all 
or --downgrade-all actions are provided.")
+    }
+    if (hasFromControllerOption && !hasDescribeOption) {

Review comment:
       Sounds good. I'll mark this resolved since you don't feel strongly about 

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