Cheng Tan updated KAFKA-9800:

The main idea is to bookkeep the failed attempt. Currently, the retry backoff 
has two main usage patterns:
 # Synchronous retires and blocking loop. The thread will sleep in each 
iteration for 
 # Async retries. In each polling, the retries do not meet the backoff will be 
filtered. The data class often maintains a 1:1 mapping to a set of requests 
which are logically associated. (i.e. contains only one initial request and 
only its retries.)

For type 1, we can utilize a local failure counter of a Java generic data type.

For case 2, we can make those classes containing retriable data inherit from an 
abstract class Retriable. Retriable will implement interfaces recording the 
number of failed attempts. I already wrapped the exponential backoff/timeout 
util class in my KIP-601 
 which takes the number of failures and returns the backoff/timeout value at 
the corresponding level.

Currently, the retry backoff has two main usage patterns.
 # For those async retries, the data often stays in a queue. We will make the 
class inherit from the {{Retriable}} and record failure when a 
{{RetriableException}} happens.
 # For those synchronous retires, the backoff is often implemented in a 
blocking poll/loop, we won’t need the inheritance and will just record the 
failed attempts using a local variable of generic data type (Long).

Producer side:
 # Produce request (API_KEY.PRODUCE). Currently, the backoff applies to each 
ProducerBatch in Accumulator, which already has an attribute attempts recording 
the number of failed attempts.
 # Transaction request (API_KEY..*TXN). TxnRequestHandler will inherit from 
Retriable and record each failed attempts, which will .





The main idea is to bookkeep the failed attempts. Making those class containing 
retriable data inherit from an abstract class {{Retriable.}}This class will 
record the number of failed attempts. I already wrapped the exponential 
backoff/timeout util class in my KIP-601 
 which takes the and returns the backoff/timeout value at the corresponding 
level. There’re two main usage patterns.


 # For those async retries, the data often stays in a queue. We will make the 
class inherit from the {{Retriable}} and record failure when a 
{{RetriableException}} happens.
 # For those synchronous retires, the backoff is often implemented in a 
blocking poll/loop, we won’t need the inheritance and will just record the 
failedAttempts using a local variable of generic data type (Long).

Producer side:
 # Produce request (API_KEY.PRODUCE). Currently, the backoff applies to each 
ProducerBatch, which already has an attribute attempts recording the number of 
failed attempts.




> [KIP-580] Client Exponential Backoff Implementation
> ---------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-9800
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-9800
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>            Reporter: Cheng Tan
>            Assignee: Cheng Tan
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: KIP-580
> Design:
> The main idea is to bookkeep the failed attempt. Currently, the retry backoff 
> has two main usage patterns:
>  # Synchronous retires and blocking loop. The thread will sleep in each 
> iteration for 
>  # Async retries. In each polling, the retries do not meet the backoff will 
> be filtered. The data class often maintains a 1:1 mapping to a set of 
> requests which are logically associated. (i.e. contains only one initial 
> request and only its retries.)
> For type 1, we can utilize a local failure counter of a Java generic data 
> type.
> For case 2, we can make those classes containing retriable data inherit from 
> an abstract class Retriable. Retriable will implement interfaces recording 
> the number of failed attempts. I already wrapped the exponential 
> backoff/timeout util class in my KIP-601 
> [implementation|https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/8683/files#diff-9ca2b1294653dfa914b9277de62b52e3R28]
>  which takes the number of failures and returns the backoff/timeout value at 
> the corresponding level.
> Currently, the retry backoff has two main usage patterns.
>  # For those async retries, the data often stays in a queue. We will make the 
> class inherit from the {{Retriable}} and record failure when a 
> {{RetriableException}} happens.
>  # For those synchronous retires, the backoff is often implemented in a 
> blocking poll/loop, we won’t need the inheritance and will just record the 
> failed attempts using a local variable of generic data type (Long).
> Producer side:
>  # Produce request (API_KEY.PRODUCE). Currently, the backoff applies to each 
> ProducerBatch in Accumulator, which already has an attribute attempts 
> recording the number of failed attempts.
>  # Transaction request (API_KEY..*TXN). TxnRequestHandler will inherit from 
> Retriable and record each failed attempts, which will .
>  # 
> {{}}

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