Sophie Blee-Goldman updated KAFKA-10078:
    Fix Version/s:     (was: 2.6.0)

> Stream tasks may skip assignment with static members and incremental 
> rebalances
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-10078
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-10078
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: consumer
>    Affects Versions: 2.4.0
>            Reporter: Sophie Blee-Goldman
>            Assignee: Sophie Blee-Goldman
>            Priority: Major
> When static membership (KIP-345) and incremental rebalancing (KIP-429) are 
> turned on at the same time, that upon failure it is possible some partitions 
> are not assigned to anyone. The event sequence is the following:
> 1. An assignment (task1) from rebalance is sent to an existing static member 
> with owned list (partition1, partition2), hence upon receiving the assignment 
> the static member is supposed to revoke partition2 and then re-join the group 
> to trigger another rebalance.
> 2. The member crashed before re-join the group, lost all of its assigned 
> partitions. However since this member is static with long session timeout, it 
> was not kicked out of the group yet at the coordinator side.
> 3. The member resumes and then re-join with a known instance.id. The 
> coordinator would not trigger a rebalance in this case and just give it the 
> previous assignment (partition1), and since the member has forgot about its 
> previous owned partitions it would just take partition1 and not re-join.
> 4. As a result the partition2 is not owned by this member any more but not 
> re-assigned to anyone; until the next rebalance it would not be fetched by 
> any member of the group.
> The key here is that today we are relying on the member's local memory to 
> calculate the added / revoked diff based on (owned, assigned). But if the 
> member crashed and lost all of its owned partition, AND if it is a static 
> member whose re-join would not trigger a new rebalance, this will break.

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