
Sönke Liebau commented on KAFKA-9613:

Hi [~khandelwal.amit]

can you please provide some additional information around this bug? Especially 
helpful would be any steps that might help reproduce this scenario, if you've 
done some testing around this.
What version of Kafka are you using on the brokers and on the clients?
Did you at any time upgrade or downgrade your brokers?
Does this error always occur in the same file or in multiple ones?

> orruptRecordException: Found record size 0 smaller than minimum record 
> overhead
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-9613
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-9613
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Amit Khandelwal
>            Priority: Major
> 20200224;21:01:38: [2020-02-24 21:01:38,615] ERROR [ReplicaManager broker=0] 
> Error processing fetch with max size 1048576 from consumer on partition 
> SANDBOX.BROKER.NEWORDER-0: (fetchOffset=211886, logStartOffset=-1, 
> maxBytes=1048576, currentLeaderEpoch=Optional.empty) 
> (kafka.server.ReplicaManager)
> 20200224;21:01:38: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.CorruptRecordException: 
> Found record size 0 smaller than minimum record overhead (14) in file 
> /data/tmp/kafka-topic-logs/SANDBOX.BROKER.NEWORDER-0/00000000000000000000.log.
> 20200224;21:05:48: [2020-02-24 21:05:48,711] INFO [GroupMetadataManager 
> brokerId=0] Removed 0 expired offsets in 1 milliseconds. 
> (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupMetadataManager)
> 20200224;21:10:22: [2020-02-24 21:10:22,204] INFO [GroupCoordinator 0]: 
> Member 
> xxxxxxxx_011-9e61d2c9-ce5a-4231-bda1-f04e6c260dc0-StreamThread-1-consumer-27768816-ee87-498f-8896-191912282d4f
>  in group yyyyyyyyy_011 has failed, removing it from the group 
> (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupCoordinator)
> [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60404510/kafka-broker-issue-replica-manager-with-max-size#]

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