Luke Stephenson created KAFKA-8143:

             Summary: Kafka-Streams GlobalStore cannot be read after 
application restart
                 Key: KAFKA-8143
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: streams
    Affects Versions: 2.1.1
            Reporter: Luke Stephenson

I've created a small example application which has a trivial `Processor` which 
takes messages and stores the length of the String value rather than the value 

That is, the following setup:

Topic[String, String]
Processor[String, String]
KeyValueStore[String, Long] // Note the Store persists Long values

The example application also has a Thread which periodically displays all 
values in the KeyValueStore.

While the application is run, I can publish values to the topic with:
root@kafka:/opt/kafka# bin/ --property 
"parse.key=true" --property "key.separator=:" --broker-list localhost:9092 
--topic test.topic
And the background Thread will report the values persisted to the key value 

If the application is restarted, when attempting to read from the KeyValueStore 
it will fail.  It attempts to recover the state from the persistent RocksDB 
store which fails with:
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.SerializationException: Size of data received by 
LongDeserializer is not 8{code}
(Note there is no stack trace as SerializationException has disabled it.)

Debugging appears to reveal that the original data from the Topic is being 
restored rather than what was modified by the processor.

I've created a minimal example to show the issue at 

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