lucasbru commented on code in PR #19114:

@@ -1805,6 +1990,277 @@ private 
List<ShareGroupHeartbeatResponseData.TopicPartitions> fromShareGroupAssi
+    /**
+     * Handles a regular heartbeat from a Streams group member.
+     * It mainly consists of five parts:
+     * 1) Created or update the member.
+     *    The group epoch is bumped if the member has been created or updated.
+     * 2) Initialized or update the topology. The group epoch is bumped if the 
+     *    has been created or updated.
+     * 3) Determine the partition metadata and any internal topics that need 
to be created.
+     * 4) Update the target assignment for the streams group if the group epoch
+     *    is larger than the current target assignment epoch.
+     * 5) Reconcile the member's assignment with the target assignment.
+     *
+     * @param groupId             The group id from the request.
+     * @param memberId            The member ID from the request.
+     * @param memberEpoch         The member epoch from the request.
+     * @param instanceId          The instance ID from the request or null.
+     * @param rackId              The rack ID from the request or null.
+     * @param rebalanceTimeoutMs  The rebalance timeout from the request or -1.
+     * @param clientId            The client ID.
+     * @param clientHost          The client host.
+     * @param topology            The topology from the request or null.
+     * @param ownedActiveTasks    The list of owned active tasks from the 
request or null.
+     * @param ownedStandbyTasks   The list of owned standby tasks from the 
request or null.
+     * @param ownedWarmupTasks    The list of owned warmup tasks from the 
request or null.
+     * @param userEndpoint        User-defined endpoint for Interactive 
Queries, or null.
+     * @param clientTags          Used for rack-aware assignment algorithm, or 
+     * @param taskEndOffsets      Cumulative changelog offsets for tasks, or 
+     * @param taskOffsets         Cumulative changelog end-offsets for tasks, 
or null.
+     * @param shutdownApplication Whether all Streams clients in the group 
should shut down.
+     * @return A Result containing the StreamsGroupHeartbeat response and a 
list of records to update the state machine.
+     */
+    private CoordinatorResult<StreamsGroupHeartbeatResult, CoordinatorRecord> 
+        String groupId,
+        String memberId,
+        int memberEpoch,
+        String instanceId,
+        String rackId,
+        int rebalanceTimeoutMs,
+        String clientId,
+        String clientHost,
+        final StreamsGroupHeartbeatRequestData.Topology topology,
+        List<TaskIds> ownedActiveTasks,
+        List<TaskIds> ownedStandbyTasks,
+        List<TaskIds> ownedWarmupTasks,
+        final String processId,
+        final Endpoint userEndpoint,
+        final List<KeyValue> clientTags,
+        final List<TaskOffset> taskOffsets,
+        final List<TaskOffset> taskEndOffsets,
+        final boolean shutdownApplication
+    ) throws ApiException {
+        final long currentTimeMs = time.milliseconds();
+        final List<CoordinatorRecord> records = new ArrayList<>();
+        final List<StreamsGroupHeartbeatResponseData.Status> returnedStatus = 
new ArrayList<>();
+        // Get or create the streams group.
+        boolean createIfNotExists = memberEpoch == 0;
+        final StreamsGroup group = getOrMaybeCreateStreamsGroup(groupId, 
+        // Get or create the member.
+        StreamsGroupMember member;
+        if (instanceId == null) {
+            member = getOrMaybeSubscribeDynamicStreamsGroupMember(
+                group,
+                memberId,
+                memberEpoch,
+                ownedActiveTasks,
+                ownedStandbyTasks,
+                ownedWarmupTasks,
+                createIfNotExists
+            );
+        } else {
+            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Static members are not 
supported yet.");
+        }
+        // 1. Create or update the member.
+        // If the member is new or has changed, a StreamsMemberMetadataValue  
record is written to the __consumer_offsets partition to
+        // persist the change. If the subscriptions have changed, the 
subscription metadata is updated and persisted by writing a
+        // StreamsPartitionMetadataValue
+        // record to the __consumer_offsets partition. Finally, the group 
epoch is bumped if the subscriptions have
+        // changed, and persisted by writing a StreamsMetadataValue record to 
the partition.
+        StreamsGroupMember updatedMember = new 
+            .maybeUpdateInstanceId(Optional.empty())
+            .maybeUpdateRackId(Optional.ofNullable(rackId))
+            .maybeUpdateRebalanceTimeoutMs(ofSentinel(rebalanceTimeoutMs))
+            .maybeUpdateTopologyEpoch(topology != null ? 
OptionalInt.of(topology.epoch()) : OptionalInt.empty())
+            .setClientId(clientId)
+            .setClientHost(clientHost)
+            .maybeUpdateProcessId(Optional.ofNullable(processId))
+            .maybeUpdateClientTags(Optional.ofNullable(clientTags).map(x ->, KeyValue::value))))
+            .maybeUpdateUserEndpoint(Optional.ofNullable(userEndpoint).map(x 
-> new 
+            .build();
+        // If the group is newly created, we must ensure that it moves away 
+        // epoch 0 and that it is fully initialized.
+        int groupEpoch = group.groupEpoch();
+        boolean bumpGroupEpoch = false;
+        bumpGroupEpoch |= hasStreamsMemberMetadataChanged(groupId, member, 
updatedMember, records);
+        // 2. Initialize/Update the group topology.
+        // If the member is new or has changed, a StreamsGroupTopologyValue 
record is written to the __consumer_offsets partition to persist
+        // the change. The group epoch is bumped if the topology has changed.
+        StreamsTopology updatedTopology;
+        boolean reconfigureTopology = false;
+        if (topology != null) {
+            StreamsGroupTopologyValue recordValue = 
+            updatedTopology = StreamsTopology.fromRequest(topology);
+            if (group.topology().isEmpty()) {
+      "[GroupId {}][MemberId {}] Member initialized the 
topology with epoch {}", groupId, memberId, topology.epoch());
+                records.add(newStreamsGroupTopologyRecord(groupId, 
+                reconfigureTopology = true;
+                bumpGroupEpoch = true;
+            } else if (!updatedTopology.equals(group.topology().get())) {
+                throw new InvalidRequestException("Topology updates are not 
supported yet.");
+            }
+        } else if (group.topology().isPresent()) {
+            updatedTopology = group.topology().get();
+        } else {
+            throw new IllegalStateException("The topology is null and the 
group topology is also null.");
+        }
+        if (group.topology().isPresent() && updatedMember.topologyEpoch() < 
group.topology().get().topologyEpoch()) {
+            returnedStatus.add(
+                new StreamsGroupHeartbeatResponseData.Status()
+                    .setStatusDetail(
+                        String.format(
+                            "The member's topology epoch %d is behind the 
group's topology epoch %d.",
+                            updatedMember.topologyEpoch(),
+                            group.topology().get().topologyEpoch()
+                        )
+                    )
+            );
+        }
+        // 3. Determine the partition metadata and any internal topics if 
+        ConfiguredTopology updatedConfiguredTopology;
+        Map<String,> 
+        if (reconfigureTopology || group.hasMetadataExpired(currentTimeMs)) {
+            // The partition metadata is updated when the refresh deadline has 
been reached.
+            updatedPartitionMetadata = group.computePartitionMetadata(
+                metadataImage.topics(),
+                updatedTopology
+            );
+            if (!updatedPartitionMetadata.equals(group.partitionMetadata())) {
+      "[GroupId {}][MemberId {}] Computed new partition 
metadata: {}.",
+                    groupId, memberId, updatedPartitionMetadata);
+                bumpGroupEpoch = true;
+                reconfigureTopology = true;
+                records.add(newStreamsGroupPartitionMetadataRecord(groupId, 
+                group.setPartitionMetadata(updatedPartitionMetadata);
+            }
+            if (reconfigureTopology || group.configuredTopology().isEmpty()) {
+      "[GroupId {}][MemberId {}] Configuring the topology 
{}", groupId, memberId, updatedTopology);
+                updatedConfiguredTopology = 
InternalTopicManager.configureTopics(logContext, updatedTopology, 
+            } else {
+                updatedConfiguredTopology = group.configuredTopology().get();
+            }
+        } else {
+            updatedConfiguredTopology = group.configuredTopology().get();
+            updatedPartitionMetadata = group.partitionMetadata();
+        }
+        // Actually bump the group epoch
+        if (bumpGroupEpoch) {
+            groupEpoch += 1;
+            records.add(newStreamsGroupEpochRecord(groupId, groupEpoch));
+  "[GroupId {}][MemberId {}] Bumped streams group epoch to 
{}.", groupId, memberId, groupEpoch);
+            metrics.record(STREAMS_GROUP_REBALANCES_SENSOR_NAME);
+            group.setMetadataRefreshDeadline(currentTimeMs + 
+        }
+        // 4. Update the target assignment if the group epoch is larger than 
the target assignment epoch or a static member
+        // replaces an existing static member.
+        // The delta between the existing and the new target assignment is 
persisted to the partition.
+        int targetAssignmentEpoch;
+        TasksTuple targetAssignment;
+        if (groupEpoch > group.assignmentEpoch()) {
+            targetAssignment = updateStreamsTargetAssignment(
+                group,
+                groupEpoch,
+                updatedMember,
+                updatedConfiguredTopology,
+                updatedPartitionMetadata,
+                records
+            );
+            targetAssignmentEpoch = groupEpoch;
+        } else {
+            targetAssignmentEpoch = group.assignmentEpoch();
+            targetAssignment = 
+        }
+        // 5. Reconcile the member's assignment with the target assignment if 
the member is not
+        // fully reconciled yet.
+        updatedMember = maybeReconcile(
+            groupId,
+            updatedMember,
+            group::currentActiveTaskProcessId,
+            group::currentStandbyTaskProcessIds,
+            group::currentWarmupTaskProcessIds,
+            targetAssignmentEpoch,
+            targetAssignment,
+            ownedActiveTasks,
+            ownedStandbyTasks,
+            ownedWarmupTasks,
+            records
+        );
+        scheduleStreamsGroupSessionTimeout(groupId, memberId);
+        // Prepare the response.
+        StreamsGroupHeartbeatResponseData response = new 
+            .setMemberId(updatedMember.memberId())
+            .setMemberEpoch(updatedMember.memberEpoch())
+            .setHeartbeatIntervalMs(streamsGroupHeartbeatIntervalMs(groupId));
+        // The assignment is only provided in the following cases:
+        // 1. The member sent a full request.
+        //    It does so when joining or rejoining the group with zero
+        //    as the member epoch; or on any errors (e.g., timeout).
+        //    We use all the non-optional fields to detect a full request as 
those must be set in a full request.
+        // 2. The member's assignment has been updated.
+        boolean isFullRequest =
+            rebalanceTimeoutMs != -1
+                && ownedActiveTasks != null
+                && ownedStandbyTasks != null
+                && ownedWarmupTasks != null
+                && clientTags != null
+                && processId != null;

Review Comment:
   It used to be the case, that the client in KIP-848 sometimes sends a full 
request upon an error, without resetting the epoch to rejoin. But I cannot find 
that code anymore. You are now the client-side expert, do we do it or not? I 
removed the extra condition for now.

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