
A. Sophie Blee-Goldman commented on KAFKA-18861:

Sounds like a similar story to KAFKA-14382, I always figured the "fix" I merged 
wasn't the end of the story since it doesn't prevent another member from 
triggering a rebalance too quickly, only helps reduce the chance of this 
happening. I actually thought we had another ticket that was still open for 
this rest of this work, but I can't find it now.

I had more or less a similar analysis, we could inject an artificial delay to 
further improve the odds of finishing the SyncGroup successfully, but that 
doesn't feel very satisfying. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure we can't just 
accept the SyncGroup as-is once a new rebalance is triggered...but maybe 
someone more familiar with the broker side of consumer group management can 
chime in here.

If it's any consolation, KIP-1071 is fully underway and aiming for 4.1, which 
will completely revamp the group protocol to fix issues like this by upgrading 
to a new Kafka Streams-specific rebalancing protocol that removes a lot of 
these synchronization issues. 

Not 100% sure how to tackle the issue in the meantime. Perhaps try reducing the 
max.poll.records to give the thread a better chance of returning to poll and 
finishing the SyncGroup in time?

> kafka-streams stuck in a loop of "SyncGroup failed" with an unbalanced 
> assignment
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-18861
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18861
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: streams
>    Affects Versions: 3.9.0
>            Reporter: Rafał Sumisławski
>            Priority: Major
> h2. Overview
> {{kafka-streams}} applications sometimes end up in a loop of rebalances, with 
> {{SyncGroup failed}} being logged.
> This seems to be an issue with the design of the consumer group protocol. On 
> one hand performing a {{SyncGroup}} between rebalances is a necessary step 
> for rebalances to work. On the other hand there are "immediate rebalances", 
> which lack any mechanism that would ensure consumers have a reasonable amount 
> of time to {{SyncGroup}}.
> To be clear this issue is not about {{SyncGroup failed}} happening from time 
> to time. It's about it happening in a loop which prevents any progress of 
> rebalances and leads to lag.
> h2. The loop of events
> Background knowledge: Moving a stateful task from consumer {{A}} to consumer 
> {{B}} requires 2 rebalances because we need to make sure that {{A}} stops 
> processing (first rebalance), before we can let {{B}} start processing 
> (second rebalance). For that reason the first rebalance is supposed to 
> immediately be follow by a second rebalance.
> We start with an unbalanced assignment, for example as a result of loosing 
> one consumer. As a result consumer {{A}} is under 100% CPU load.
> 1. A rebalance is triggered (for whatever reason). The group enters 
> {{PreparingRebalance}} state
> 2. All consumers send {{Join}} requests to the coordinator. The group enters 
> {{CompletingRebalance}} state
> 3. Leader determines a new task assignment, which moves some tasks from the 
> overloaded {{A}} to an underloaded {{B}}.
> 4. The coordinator sends {{Join}} response to all consumers indicating a 
> change of assignment. The group enters `Stable` state. Members are expected 
> to follow up with a {{SyncGroup}}. But {{SyncGroup}} is only accepted when 
> the group is {{Stable}}.
> 5. All consumers except for {{A}} send {{SyncGroup}} and get their new 
> assignments.
> 6. {{B}} received new {{revoking active}} tasks in this rebalance. It can't 
> process it yet, because first {{A}} needs to revoke them. So {{B}} 
> immediately triggers a new rebalance (it was told to do it by the leader via 
> the coordinator). The group transitions to {{PreparingRebalance}}. In 
> practice this happens {{~70ms}} after it transitioned to {{Stable}}
> 7. Because {{A}} is overloaded it takes more than the {{70ms}} to send 
> {{SyncGroup}} and that request is rejected because the group is not 
> {{Stable}} anymore. Because {{A}} didn't manage to {{SyncGroup}}, it won't be 
> able to give up the tasks, and the next rebalance will achieve no progress 
> (it will again ask A to revoke the tasks, and B will again receive them in 
> {{revoking active}} state). We go to point 1. and loop forever (or at least 
> as long as {{A}} is under heavy load, but since we can't move that load, it 
> may be forever)
> h2. Fixing the issue
> In order to resolve the problem we would need to let {{A}} perform the 
> {{SyncGroup}}. This can be achieved in two ways:
> 1. Accepting the {{SyncGroup}} while the group is in {{PreparingRebalance}} 
> state. This seems to be a clean solution. But I don't know the background 
> behind disallowing {{SyncGroup}} while {{PreparingRebalance}}. Maybe there is 
> some good reason why it can't be done?
> 2. Delaying the followup rebalance to give {{A}} more than {{70ms}} to 
> {{SyncGroup}}
> While I think 1 is a more promising solution. I tried 2, as it can be done on 
> application side, and it works in practice. You can see my changes here: 
> https://github.com/coralogix/kafka/commit/69825558295d7adcf0d218c86c7b27746b67d501
> I removed the {{need to revoke partitions}} source of rebalances completely. 
> And I delayed the {{Requested to schedule immediate rebalance for new tasks 
> to be safely revoked from current owner}} rebalances by a configurable amount 
> of time. With these changes rebalances still work, and the issue doesn't 
> occur. 

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