mimaison commented on code in PR #19030:
URL: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/19030#discussion_r1981604968

@@ -55,6 +113,2289 @@ public class UnifiedLog {
     public static final String STRAY_DIR_SUFFIX = 
     public static final long UNKNOWN_OFFSET = LocalLog.UNKNOWN_OFFSET;
+    // For compatibility, metrics are defined to be under `Log` class
+    private final KafkaMetricsGroup metricsGroup = new 
KafkaMetricsGroup("kafka.log", "Log");
+    /* A lock that guards all modifications to the log */
+    private final Object lock = new Object();
+    private final Map<String, Map<String, String>> metricNames = new 
+    // localLog The LocalLog instance containing non-empty log segments 
recovered from disk
+    private final LocalLog localLog;
+    private final BrokerTopicStats brokerTopicStats;
+    private final ProducerStateManager producerStateManager;
+    private final boolean remoteStorageSystemEnable;
+    private final ScheduledFuture<?> producerExpireCheck;
+    private final int producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs;
+    private final String logIdent;
+    private final Logger logger;
+    private final LogValidator.MetricsRecorder validatorMetricsRecorder;
+    /* The earliest offset which is part of an incomplete transaction. This is 
used to compute the
+     * last stable offset (LSO) in ReplicaManager. Note that it is possible 
that the "true" first unstable offset
+     * gets removed from the log (through record or segment deletion). In this 
case, the first unstable offset
+     * will point to the log start offset, which may actually be either part 
of a completed transaction or not
+     * part of a transaction at all. However, since we only use the LSO for 
the purpose of restricting the
+     * read_committed consumer to fetching decided data (i.e. committed, 
aborted, or non-transactional), this
+     * temporary abuse seems justifiable and saves us from scanning the log 
after deletion to find the first offsets
+     * of each ongoing transaction in order to compute a new first unstable 
offset. It is possible, however,
+     * that this could result in disagreement between replicas depending on 
when they began replicating the log.
+     * In the worst case, the LSO could be seen by a consumer to go backwards.
+     */
+    private volatile Optional<LogOffsetMetadata> firstUnstableOffsetMetadata = 
+    private volatile Optional<PartitionMetadataFile> partitionMetadataFile = 
+    // This is the offset(inclusive) until which segments are copied to the 
remote storage.
+    private volatile long highestOffsetInRemoteStorage = -1L;
+    /* Keep track of the current high watermark in order to ensure that 
segments containing offsets at or above it are
+     * not eligible for deletion. This means that the active segment is only 
eligible for deletion if the high watermark
+     * equals the log end offset (which may never happen for a partition under 
consistent load). This is needed to
+     * prevent the log start offset (which is exposed in fetch responses) from 
getting ahead of the high watermark.
+     */
+    private volatile LogOffsetMetadata highWatermarkMetadata;
+    private volatile long localLogStartOffset;
+    private volatile long logStartOffset;
+    private volatile LeaderEpochFileCache leaderEpochCache;
+    private volatile Optional<Uuid> topicId;
+    private volatile LogOffsetsListener logOffsetsListener;
+    /**
+     * A log which presents a unified view of local and tiered log segments.
+     *
+     * <p>The log consists of tiered and local segments with the tiered 
portion of the log being optional. There could be an
+     * overlap between the tiered and local segments. The active segment is 
always guaranteed to be local. If tiered segments
+     * are present, they always appear at the beginning of the log, followed 
by an optional region of overlap, followed by the local
+     * segments including the active segment.
+     *
+     * <p>NOTE: this class handles state and behavior specific to tiered 
segments as well as any behavior combining both tiered
+     * and local segments. The state and behavior specific to local segments 
are handled by the encapsulated LocalLog instance.
+     *
+     * @param logStartOffset The earliest offset allowed to be exposed to 
kafka client.
+     *                       The logStartOffset can be updated by :
+     *                       - user's DeleteRecordsRequest
+     *                       - broker's log retention
+     *                       - broker's log truncation
+     *                       - broker's log recovery
+     *                       The logStartOffset is used to decide the 
+     *                       - Log deletion. LogSegment whose nextOffset <= 
log's logStartOffset can be deleted.
+     *                         It may trigger log rolling if the active 
segment is deleted.
+     *                       - Earliest offset of the log in response to 
ListOffsetRequest. To avoid OffsetOutOfRange exception after user seeks to 
earliest offset,
+     *                         we make sure that logStartOffset <= log's 
+     *                       Other activities such as log cleaning are not 
affected by logStartOffset.
+     * @param localLog The LocalLog instance containing non-empty log segments 
recovered from disk
+     * @param brokerTopicStats Container for Broker Topic Yammer Metrics
+     * @param producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs How often to check for 
producer ids which need to be expired
+     * @param leaderEpochCache The LeaderEpochFileCache instance (if any) 
containing state associated
+     *                         with the provided logStartOffset and 
+     * @param producerStateManager The ProducerStateManager instance 
containing state associated with the provided segments
+     * @param topicId optional Uuid to specify the topic ID for the topic if 
it exists. Should only be specified when
+     *                first creating the log through Partition.makeLeader or 
Partition.makeFollower. When reloading a log,
+     *                this field will be populated by reading the topic ID 
value from partition.metadata if it exists.
+     * @param remoteStorageSystemEnable flag to indicate whether the system 
level remote log storage is enabled or not.
+     * @param logOffsetsListener listener invoked when the high watermark is 
+     */
+    @SuppressWarnings({"this-escape"})
+    public UnifiedLog(long logStartOffset,
+                      LocalLog localLog,
+                      BrokerTopicStats brokerTopicStats,
+                      int producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs,
+                      LeaderEpochFileCache leaderEpochCache,
+                      ProducerStateManager producerStateManager,
+                      Optional<Uuid> topicId,
+                      boolean remoteStorageSystemEnable,
+                      LogOffsetsListener logOffsetsListener) throws 
IOException {
+        this.logStartOffset = logStartOffset;
+        this.localLog = localLog;
+        this.brokerTopicStats = brokerTopicStats;
+        this.producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs = 
+        this.leaderEpochCache = leaderEpochCache;
+        this.producerStateManager = producerStateManager;
+        this.topicId = topicId;
+        this.remoteStorageSystemEnable = remoteStorageSystemEnable;
+        this.logOffsetsListener = logOffsetsListener;
+        this.logIdent = "[UnifiedLog partition=" + localLog.topicPartition() + 
", dir=" + localLog.parentDir() + "] ";
+        this.logger = new LogContext(logIdent).logger(UnifiedLog.class);
+        this.highWatermarkMetadata = new LogOffsetMetadata(logStartOffset);
+        this.localLogStartOffset = logStartOffset;
+        this.producerExpireCheck = 
localLog.scheduler().schedule("PeriodicProducerExpirationCheck", () -> 
+                producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs, 
+        this.validatorMetricsRecorder = 
+        initializePartitionMetadata();
+        updateLogStartOffset(logStartOffset);
+        updateLocalLogStartOffset(Math.max(logStartOffset, 
+        if (!remoteLogEnabled())
+            this.logStartOffset = localLogStartOffset;
+        maybeIncrementFirstUnstableOffset();
+        initializeTopicId();
+        newMetrics();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create a new UnifiedLog instance
+     * @param dir dir The directory in which log segments are created.
+     * @param config The log configuration settings
+     * @param logStartOffset The checkpoint of the log start offset
+     * @param recoveryPoint The checkpoint of the offset at which to begin the 
+     * @param scheduler The thread pool scheduler used for background actions
+     * @param brokerTopicStats Container for Broker Topic Yammer Metrics
+     * @param time The time instance used for checking the clock
+     * @param maxTransactionTimeoutMs The timeout in milliseconds for 
+     * @param producerStateManagerConfig The configuration for creating the 
ProducerStateManager instance
+     * @param producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs How often to check for 
producer ids which need to be expired
+     * @param logDirFailureChannel The LogDirFailureChannel instance to 
asynchronously handle Log dir failure
+     * @param lastShutdownClean Boolean flag to indicate whether the 
associated log previously had a clean shutdown
+     * @param topicId optional Uuid to specify the topic ID for the topic if 
it exists
+     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
+     */
+    public static UnifiedLog create(File dir,
+                                    LogConfig config,
+                                    long logStartOffset,
+                                    long recoveryPoint,
+                                    Scheduler scheduler,
+                                    BrokerTopicStats brokerTopicStats,
+                                    Time time,
+                                    int maxTransactionTimeoutMs,
+                                    ProducerStateManagerConfig 
+                                    int producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs,
+                                    LogDirFailureChannel logDirFailureChannel,
+                                    boolean lastShutdownClean,
+                                    Optional<Uuid> topicId) throws IOException 
+        return create(dir,
+                config,
+                logStartOffset,
+                recoveryPoint,
+                scheduler,
+                brokerTopicStats,
+                time,
+                maxTransactionTimeoutMs,
+                producerStateManagerConfig,
+                producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs,
+                logDirFailureChannel,
+                lastShutdownClean,
+                topicId,
+                new ConcurrentHashMap<>(),
+                false,
+                LogOffsetsListener.NO_OP_OFFSETS_LISTENER);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create a new UnifiedLog instance
+     * @param dir dir The directory in which log segments are created.
+     * @param config The log configuration settings
+     * @param logStartOffset The checkpoint of the log start offset
+     * @param recoveryPoint The checkpoint of the offset at which to begin the 
+     * @param scheduler The thread pool scheduler used for background actions
+     * @param brokerTopicStats Container for Broker Topic Yammer Metrics
+     * @param time The time instance used for checking the clock
+     * @param maxTransactionTimeoutMs The timeout in milliseconds for 
+     * @param producerStateManagerConfig The configuration for creating the 
ProducerStateManager instance
+     * @param producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs How often to check for 
producer ids which need to be expired
+     * @param logDirFailureChannel The LogDirFailureChannel instance to 
asynchronously handle Log dir failure
+     * @param lastShutdownClean Boolean flag to indicate whether the 
associated log previously had a clean shutdown
+     * @param topicId Optional Uuid to specify the topic ID for the topic if 
it exists
+     * @param numRemainingSegments The remaining segments to be recovered in 
this log keyed by recovery thread name
+     * @param remoteStorageSystemEnable Boolean flag to indicate whether the 
system level remote log storage is enabled or not.
+     * @param logOffsetsListener listener invoked when the high watermark is 
+     * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
+     */
+    public static UnifiedLog create(File dir,
+                                    LogConfig config,
+                                    long logStartOffset,
+                                    long recoveryPoint,
+                                    Scheduler scheduler,
+                                    BrokerTopicStats brokerTopicStats,
+                                    Time time,
+                                    int maxTransactionTimeoutMs,
+                                    ProducerStateManagerConfig 
+                                    int producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs,
+                                    LogDirFailureChannel logDirFailureChannel,
+                                    boolean lastShutdownClean,
+                                    Optional<Uuid> topicId,
+                                    ConcurrentMap<String, Integer> 
+                                    boolean remoteStorageSystemEnable,
+                                    LogOffsetsListener logOffsetsListener) 
throws IOException {
+        // create the log directory if it doesn't exist
+        Files.createDirectories(dir.toPath());
+        TopicPartition topicPartition = 
+        LogSegments segments = new LogSegments(topicPartition);
+        // The created leaderEpochCache will be truncated by LogLoader if 
+        // so it is guaranteed that the epoch entries will be correct even 
when on-disk
+        // checkpoint was stale (due to async nature of 
+        LeaderEpochFileCache leaderEpochCache = 
+                dir,
+                topicPartition,
+                logDirFailureChannel,
+                Optional.empty(),
+                scheduler);
+        ProducerStateManager producerStateManager = new ProducerStateManager(
+                topicPartition,
+                dir,
+                maxTransactionTimeoutMs,
+                producerStateManagerConfig,
+                time);
+        boolean isRemoteLogEnabled = 
UnifiedLog.isRemoteLogEnabled(remoteStorageSystemEnable, config, 
+        LoadedLogOffsets offsets = new LogLoader(
+                dir,
+                topicPartition,
+                config,
+                scheduler,
+                time,
+                logDirFailureChannel,
+                lastShutdownClean,
+                segments,
+                logStartOffset,
+                recoveryPoint,
+                leaderEpochCache,
+                producerStateManager,
+                numRemainingSegments,
+                isRemoteLogEnabled
+                ).load();
+        LocalLog localLog = new LocalLog(
+                dir,
+                config,
+                segments,
+                offsets.recoveryPoint,
+                offsets.nextOffsetMetadata,
+                scheduler,
+                time,
+                topicPartition,
+                logDirFailureChannel);
+        return new UnifiedLog(offsets.logStartOffset,
+                localLog,
+                brokerTopicStats,
+                producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs,
+                leaderEpochCache,
+                producerStateManager,
+                topicId,
+                remoteStorageSystemEnable,
+                logOffsetsListener);
+    }
+    public long localLogStartOffset() {
+        return localLogStartOffset;
+    }
+    public LeaderEpochFileCache leaderEpochCache() {
+        return leaderEpochCache;
+    }
+    public long logStartOffset() {
+        return logStartOffset;
+    }
+    long highestOffsetInRemoteStorage() {
+        return highestOffsetInRemoteStorage;
+    }
+    public Optional<PartitionMetadataFile> partitionMetadataFile() {
+        return partitionMetadataFile;
+    }
+    public Optional<Uuid> topicId() {
+        return topicId;
+    }
+    public File dir() {
+        return localLog.dir();
+    }
+    public String parentDir() {
+        return localLog.parentDir();
+    }
+    public File parentDirFile() {
+        return localLog.parentDirFile();
+    }
+    public String name() {
+        return localLog.name();
+    }
+    public long recoveryPoint() {
+        return localLog.recoveryPoint();
+    }
+    public TopicPartition topicPartition() {
+        return localLog.topicPartition();
+    }
+    public LogDirFailureChannel logDirFailureChannel() {
+        return localLog.logDirFailureChannel();
+    }
+    public LogConfig config() {
+        return localLog.config();
+    }
+    public boolean remoteLogEnabled() {
+        return UnifiedLog.isRemoteLogEnabled(remoteStorageSystemEnable, 
config(), topicPartition().topic());
+    }
+    public ScheduledFuture<?> producerExpireCheck() {
+        return producerExpireCheck;
+    }
+    public int producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs() {
+        return producerIdExpirationCheckIntervalMs;
+    }
+    public void updateLogStartOffsetFromRemoteTier(long remoteLogStartOffset) {
+        if (!remoteLogEnabled()) {
+            logger.error("Ignoring the call as the remote log storage is 
+            return;
+        }
+        maybeIncrementLogStartOffset(remoteLogStartOffset, 
+    }
+    public void updateLocalLogStartOffset(long offset) throws IOException {

Review Comment:
   Added comments on a few methods only used by/visible for tests

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