Luke Chen created KAFKA-18911: --------------------------------- Summary: alterPartition gets stuck when getting out-of-date errors Key: KAFKA-18911 URL: Project: Kafka Issue Type: Bug Affects Versions: 3.9.0 Reporter: Luke Chen Assignee: Luke Chen
When the leader node sends the AlterPartition request to the controller, the controller will do [some validation|] before processing it. And in the leader node side, when receiving the errors, we'll decide if it should be retried or not [here|]. However, in some non-retry cases, we directly return false without changing the state: {code:java} case Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION => info(s"Failed to alter partition to $proposedIsrState since the controller doesn't know about " + "this topic or partition. Partition state may be out of sync, awaiting new the latest metadata.") false case Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_ID => info(s"Failed to alter partition to $proposedIsrState since the controller doesn't know about " + "this topic. Partition state may be out of sync, awaiting new the latest metadata.") false case Errors.FENCED_LEADER_EPOCH => info(s"Failed to alter partition to $proposedIsrState since the leader epoch is old. " + "Partition state may be out of sync, awaiting new the latest metadata.") false case Errors.INVALID_UPDATE_VERSION => info(s"Failed to alter partition to $proposedIsrState because the partition epoch is invalid. " + "Partition state may be out of sync, awaiting new the latest metadata.") false case Errors.INVALID_REQUEST => info(s"Failed to alter partition to $proposedIsrState because the request is invalid. " + "Partition state may be out of sync, awaiting new the latest metadata.") false case Errors.NEW_LEADER_ELECTED => // The operation completed successfully but this replica got removed from the replica set by the controller // while completing a ongoing reassignment. This replica is no longer the leader but it does not know it // yet. It should remain in the current pending state until the metadata overrides it. // This is only raised in KRaft mode. info(s"The alter partition request successfully updated the partition state to $proposedIsrState but " + "this replica got removed from the replica set while completing a reassignment. " + "Waiting on new metadata to clean up this replica.") false{code} As we said in the log, "Partition state may be out of sync, awaiting new the latest metadata". But without updating the partition state means it will stays at `PendingExpandIsr` or `PendingShrinkIsr` state, which keeps the `isInflight` to true. Under this state, the partition state will never be updated anymore. The impact of this issue is that the ISR state will be in stale(wrong) state until leadership change. -- This message was sent by Atlassian Jira (v8.20.10#820010)