Eslam Mohamed created KAFKA-18873:

             Summary: Incorrect error message for when using transactional producer.
                 Key: KAFKA-18873
             Project: Kafka
          Issue Type: Bug
          Components: clients
            Reporter: Eslam Mohamed
            Assignee: Eslam Mohamed


{{Above unit test }}checks for configuration validation errors when 
instantiating a {{ProducerConfig}} with invalid properties. One of the 
assertions in this test "invalidProps4" is designed to validate the constraint 
that {{}} must be at most {{5}} when using 
a transactional producer. However, the error message thrown by the 
{{ProducerConfig}} constructor in this scenario is incorrect.
 * *Observed Behavior:*
When {{}} is set to {{6}} for a 
transactional producer, the test expects an exception with the message:
{{"Must set to at most 5 when using the 
transactional producer."}}
Instead, the error message states:
{{"Must set retries to non-zero when using the idempotent producer."}}

 * *Expected Behavior:*
The error message should explicitly indicate the violation of the 
{{}} constraint for transactional 
{{"Must set to at most 5 when using the 
transactional producer."}}

The mismatch in the error message can lead to confusion for developers 
debugging the configuration error, as it incorrectly hints at a {{retries}} 
configuration issue instead of the actual 
{{}} issue.

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