
David Jacot updated KAFKA-18281:
    Fix Version/s:     (was: 4.0.0)

> Kafka (3.9.0) is improperly validating non-advertised listeners for routable 
> controller addresses
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-18281
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18281
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.9.0
>            Reporter: Justin Lee
>            Assignee: PoAn Yang
>            Priority: Blocker
>             Fix For: 3.9.1
> Kafka 3.9.0 is currently validating whether all listeners (including 
> non-advertised controller listeners) are routable. Non-advertised controller 
> listeners don't need to be routable.
> *Background:*
> [KIP-853 (KRaft Controller Membership 
> Changes)|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-853%3A+KRaft+Controller+Membership+Changes]
>  introduced dynamic controller quorums.
> When a cluster is configured with a dynamic controller quorum, KRaft clients 
> request (via a metadata request) the currently-valid set of controller 
> endpoints, which are configured on a per-controller basis via 
> `advertised.listeners` (previously, controller listeners were prohibited in 
> `advertised.listeners`).
> As part of [this 
> work|https://github.com/confluentinc/ce-kafka/blob/78066ca74e7964bc7f9dfb0f7660814ee91ef149/core/src/main/scala/kafka/server/KafkaConfig.scala#L3445],
>  Kafka added two things:
>  * When a controller listener is not in `advertised.listeners`, the 
> (non-advertised) controller listener from `listeners` is added to 
> `effectiveAdvertisedBrokerListeners`
>  * We validate that all effective advertised broker listeners are routable 
> (i.e. not ``)
> This is incorrect logic, because the listeners property indicates what IPs a 
> listener binds on, not how clients should connect to the listener (which may 
> be a static configuration that is transparent to the controller)
> In 3.8, both of these config combinations are valid:
> _Implicit "bind on all IP addresses"_
> {code:java}
> controller.quorum.voters=9991@localhost:9094
> listeners=BROKER://:9093,CONTROLLER://:9094
> advertised.listeners=BROKER://hostname:9093{code}
> _Explicit "bind on all addresses" (specifically, IPv4)_
> {code:java}
> controller.quorum.voters=9991@localhost:9094
> listeners=BROKER://,CONTROLLER://
> advertised.listeners=BROKER://<hostname>:9093{code}
> Formatting a controller with this configuration fails with an error like this:
> {code:java}
> broker | Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 
> requirement failed: advertised.listeners cannot use the nonroutable 
> meta-address Use a routable IP address. at 
> scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:337) at 
> kafka.server.KafkaConfig.validateValues(KafkaConfig.scala:1022) at 
> kafka.server.KafkaConfig.<init>(KafkaConfig.scala:852) at 
> kafka.server.KafkaConfig.<init>(KafkaConfig.scala:184) at 
> kafka.tools.StorageTool$.$anonfun$execute$1(StorageTool.scala:79) at 
> scala.Option.flatMap(Option.scala:283) at 
> kafka.tools.StorageTool$.execute(StorageTool.scala:79) at 
> kafka.tools.StorageTool$.main(StorageTool.scala:46) at 
> kafka.docker.KafkaDockerWrapper$.main(KafkaDockerWrapper.scala:48) at 
> kafka.docker.KafkaDockerWrapper.main(KafkaDockerWrapper.scala) at 
> java.base@21.0.2/java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$DMH/sa346b79c.invokeStaticInit(LambdaForm$DMH)
>  {code}
> In 3.9.0, the implicit configuration works, but the explicit configuration 
> does not. This is a breaking change because a configuration that previously 
> worked no longer works.

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