
Emanuele Sabellico commented on KAFKA-16320:

It seems it's not desired to bring back this feature as it makes the request 
not consistent and there will be no changes in AK 4.0. I'm making the tests 
changes in librdkafka final.

> CreateTopics, DeleteTopics and CreatePartitions differences between Zookeeper 
> and KRaft
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-16320
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-16320
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 3.7.0
>            Reporter: Emanuele Sabellico
>            Assignee: Chia-Ping Tsai
>            Priority: Minor
> Test number 0081 with these operations  is failing in librdkafka when using 
> KRaft but not when using Zookeeper. The test sets the operation timeout to 0 
> and expects that those operations are executed asynchronously. The returned 
> err was REQUEST_TIMED_OUT and it was converted to NO_ERROR if operation 
> timeout is <= 0.
> With KRaft instead NO_ERROR is returned, but the topics aren't created or 
> deleted.
> Also passing an invalid configuration option it's returning NO_ERROR instead 
> of INVALID_CONFIG, that is what happens in Zookeeper or with KRaft if 
> operation timeout is > 0.
> https://github.com/confluentinc/librdkafka/blob/a6d85bdbc1023b1a5477b8befe516242c3e182f6/tests/0081-admin.c#L5174C9-L5174C29
> {code:java}
> /* For non-blocking CreateTopicsRequests the broker
>  * will returned REQUEST_TIMED_OUT for topics
>  * that were triggered for creation -
>  * we hide this error code from the application
>  * since the topic creation is in fact in progress. */
> if (error_code == RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT &&
>     rd_kafka_confval_get_int(&rko_req->rko_u.admin_request
>                                     .options.operation_timeout) <=
>         0) {
>         error_code  = RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR;
>         this_errstr = NULL;
> }
> {code}

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