AndrewJSchofield commented on code in PR #18679:

@@ -1806,6 +1816,181 @@ public void 
testShareAutoOffsetResetByDurationInvalidFormat() throws Exception {
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),

Review Comment:
   It seems to me that this override is unnecessary with 3 brokers and the 
default of 2 is better.

@@ -1806,6 +1816,181 @@ public void 
testShareAutoOffsetResetByDurationInvalidFormat() throws Exception {
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.num.partitions", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "transaction.state.log.min.isr", 
value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"transaction.state.log.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value 
= "true")
+        }
+    )
+    public void testShareConsumerAfterCoordinatorMovement() throws Exception {
+        setup();
+        String topicName = "multipart";
+        String groupId = "multipartGrp";
+        createTopic(topicName, 3, 3);

Review Comment:
   Actually this `createTopic` method knows the topic ID and discards it. I 
suggest changing the signature of this method to return a Uuid and then the 
topic ID is known without the extra call to `Admin.describeTopics`.

@@ -1806,6 +1816,181 @@ public void 
testShareAutoOffsetResetByDurationInvalidFormat() throws Exception {
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.num.partitions", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "transaction.state.log.min.isr", 
value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"transaction.state.log.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value 
= "true")
+        }
+    )
+    public void testShareConsumerAfterCoordinatorMovement() throws Exception {
+        setup();
+        String topicName = "multipart";
+        String groupId = "multipartGrp";
+        createTopic(topicName, 3, 3);
+        try (Admin admin = createAdminClient()) {
+            TopicPartition tpMulti = new TopicPartition(topicName, 0);
+            // get topic id
+            Uuid topicId = 
+            // produce some messages
+            try (Producer<byte[], byte[]> producer = createProducer()) {
+                ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record = new ProducerRecord<>(
+                    tpMulti.topic(),
+                    tpMulti.partition(),
+                    null,
+                    "key".getBytes(),
+                    "value".getBytes()
+                );
+                IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(__ -> producer.send(record));
+                producer.flush();
+            }
+            // consume messages
+            try (ShareConsumer<byte[], byte[]> shareConsumer = 
createShareConsumer(groupId)) {
+                shareConsumer.subscribe(List.of(topicName));
+                alterShareAutoOffsetReset(groupId, "earliest");
+                ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records = 
+                assertEquals(10, records.count());
+            }
+            // get current share coordinator node
+            SharePartitionKey key = SharePartitionKey.getInstance(groupId, new 
TopicIdPartition(topicId, tpMulti));
+            int shareGroupStateTp = 
Utils.abs(key.asCoordinatorKey().hashCode()) % 3;
+            List<Integer> curShareCoordNodeId = 
+                .partitions().stream()
+                .filter(info -> info.partition() == shareGroupStateTp)
+                .map(info -> info.leader().id())
+                .toList();
+            assertEquals(1, curShareCoordNodeId.size());
+            // shutdown the coordinator
+            cluster.shutdownBroker(curShareCoordNodeId.get(0));
+            // give some breathing time

Review Comment:
   Could you refactor this to wait for the condition rather than sleep for 2 
seconds and expect immediate compliance?

@@ -2015,4 +2204,88 @@ private void alterShareAutoOffsetReset(String groupId, 
String newValue) {
                 .get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS), "Failed to alter configs");
+    private static class ComplexShareConsumer<K, V> implements Runnable {

Review Comment:
   This really needs a comment about what it's up to.

@@ -1806,6 +1816,181 @@ public void 
testShareAutoOffsetResetByDurationInvalidFormat() throws Exception {
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.num.partitions", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "transaction.state.log.min.isr", 
value = "1"),

Review Comment:
   Leave this as the default of 2 also I think.

@@ -1806,6 +1816,181 @@ public void 
testShareAutoOffsetResetByDurationInvalidFormat() throws Exception {
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.num.partitions", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "transaction.state.log.min.isr", 
value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"transaction.state.log.replication.factor", value = "3"),

Review Comment:
   Actually, the default replication factor of all three of these internal 
topics is 3 also, which should be ideal for this test with 3 brokers.

@@ -1806,6 +1816,181 @@ public void 
testShareAutoOffsetResetByDurationInvalidFormat() throws Exception {
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.num.partitions", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "transaction.state.log.min.isr", 
value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"transaction.state.log.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value 
= "true")
+        }
+    )
+    public void testShareConsumerAfterCoordinatorMovement() throws Exception {
+        setup();
+        String topicName = "multipart";
+        String groupId = "multipartGrp";
+        createTopic(topicName, 3, 3);
+        try (Admin admin = createAdminClient()) {
+            TopicPartition tpMulti = new TopicPartition(topicName, 0);
+            // get topic id
+            Uuid topicId = 
+            // produce some messages
+            try (Producer<byte[], byte[]> producer = createProducer()) {
+                ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record = new ProducerRecord<>(
+                    tpMulti.topic(),
+                    tpMulti.partition(),
+                    null,
+                    "key".getBytes(),
+                    "value".getBytes()
+                );
+                IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(__ -> producer.send(record));
+                producer.flush();
+            }
+            // consume messages
+            try (ShareConsumer<byte[], byte[]> shareConsumer = 
createShareConsumer(groupId)) {
+                shareConsumer.subscribe(List.of(topicName));
+                alterShareAutoOffsetReset(groupId, "earliest");

Review Comment:
   Experience with other tests tells us that it's best to set the auto-offset 
reset earlier in the test. It's an asynchronous action that may or may not take 
effect by the time consumption begins.

@@ -1806,6 +1816,181 @@ public void 
testShareAutoOffsetResetByDurationInvalidFormat() throws Exception {
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.num.partitions", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "transaction.state.log.min.isr", 
value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"transaction.state.log.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value 
= "true")
+        }
+    )
+    public void testShareConsumerAfterCoordinatorMovement() throws Exception {
+        setup();
+        String topicName = "multipart";
+        String groupId = "multipartGrp";
+        createTopic(topicName, 3, 3);
+        try (Admin admin = createAdminClient()) {
+            TopicPartition tpMulti = new TopicPartition(topicName, 0);
+            // get topic id
+            Uuid topicId = 
+            // produce some messages
+            try (Producer<byte[], byte[]> producer = createProducer()) {
+                ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record = new ProducerRecord<>(
+                    tpMulti.topic(),
+                    tpMulti.partition(),
+                    null,
+                    "key".getBytes(),
+                    "value".getBytes()
+                );
+                IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(__ -> producer.send(record));
+                producer.flush();
+            }
+            // consume messages
+            try (ShareConsumer<byte[], byte[]> shareConsumer = 
createShareConsumer(groupId)) {
+                shareConsumer.subscribe(List.of(topicName));
+                alterShareAutoOffsetReset(groupId, "earliest");
+                ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records = 
+                assertEquals(10, records.count());
+            }
+            // get current share coordinator node
+            SharePartitionKey key = SharePartitionKey.getInstance(groupId, new 
TopicIdPartition(topicId, tpMulti));
+            int shareGroupStateTp = 
Utils.abs(key.asCoordinatorKey().hashCode()) % 3;
+            List<Integer> curShareCoordNodeId = 

Review Comment:
   I'd prefer 
I think that yields the same result more tersely.

@@ -2015,4 +2204,88 @@ private void alterShareAutoOffsetReset(String groupId, 
String newValue) {
                 .get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS), "Failed to alter configs");
+    private static class ComplexShareConsumer<K, V> implements Runnable {
+        public static final int POLL_TIMEOUT_MS = 15000;
+        public static final int MAX_DELIVERY_COUNT = 5;

Review Comment:
   This 5 is really `ShareGroupConfig.SHARE_GROUP_DELIVERY_COUNT_LIMIT_DEFAULT`.

@@ -1806,6 +1816,181 @@ public void 
testShareAutoOffsetResetByDurationInvalidFormat() throws Exception {
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.num.partitions", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "transaction.state.log.min.isr", 
value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"transaction.state.log.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value 
= "true")
+        }
+    )
+    public void testShareConsumerAfterCoordinatorMovement() throws Exception {
+        setup();
+        String topicName = "multipart";
+        String groupId = "multipartGrp";
+        createTopic(topicName, 3, 3);
+        try (Admin admin = createAdminClient()) {
+            TopicPartition tpMulti = new TopicPartition(topicName, 0);
+            // get topic id
+            Uuid topicId = 
+            // produce some messages
+            try (Producer<byte[], byte[]> producer = createProducer()) {
+                ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record = new ProducerRecord<>(
+                    tpMulti.topic(),
+                    tpMulti.partition(),
+                    null,
+                    "key".getBytes(),
+                    "value".getBytes()
+                );
+                IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(__ -> producer.send(record));
+                producer.flush();
+            }
+            // consume messages
+            try (ShareConsumer<byte[], byte[]> shareConsumer = 
createShareConsumer(groupId)) {
+                shareConsumer.subscribe(List.of(topicName));
+                alterShareAutoOffsetReset(groupId, "earliest");
+                ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records = 
+                assertEquals(10, records.count());
+            }
+            // get current share coordinator node
+            SharePartitionKey key = SharePartitionKey.getInstance(groupId, new 
TopicIdPartition(topicId, tpMulti));
+            int shareGroupStateTp = 
Utils.abs(key.asCoordinatorKey().hashCode()) % 3;
+            List<Integer> curShareCoordNodeId = 
+                .partitions().stream()
+                .filter(info -> info.partition() == shareGroupStateTp)
+                .map(info -> info.leader().id())
+                .toList();
+            assertEquals(1, curShareCoordNodeId.size());
+            // shutdown the coordinator
+            cluster.shutdownBroker(curShareCoordNodeId.get(0));
+            // give some breathing time
+            TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(2L);
+            List<Integer> newShareCoordNodeId = 
+                .partitions().stream()
+                .filter(info -> info.partition() == shareGroupStateTp)
+                .map(info -> info.leader().id())
+                .toList();
+            assertEquals(1, newShareCoordNodeId.size());
+            assertNotEquals(curShareCoordNodeId.get(0), 
+            // again produce to same topic partition
+            try (Producer<byte[], byte[]> producer = createProducer()) {
+                ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record = new ProducerRecord<>(
+                    tpMulti.topic(),
+                    tpMulti.partition(),
+                    null,
+                    "key".getBytes(),
+                    "value".getBytes()
+                );
+                IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(__ -> producer.send(record));
+                producer.flush();
+            }
+            // consume messages should only be possible if partition and share 
coord has moved
+            // from shutdown broker since we are only producing to partition 0 
of topic.
+            try (ShareConsumer<byte[], byte[]> shareConsumer = 
createShareConsumer(groupId)) {
+                shareConsumer.subscribe(List.of(topicName));
+                alterShareAutoOffsetReset(groupId, "earliest");
+                ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records = 
+                assertEquals(20, records.count());
+            }
+            verifyShareGroupStateTopicRecordsProduced();
+        }
+    }
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),

Review Comment:
   Same comments as previous test regarding min.isr and replication factor 
defaults which are appropriate without overrides.

@@ -1806,6 +1816,181 @@ public void 
testShareAutoOffsetResetByDurationInvalidFormat() throws Exception {
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.num.partitions", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "transaction.state.log.min.isr", 
value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"transaction.state.log.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value 
= "true")
+        }
+    )
+    public void testShareConsumerAfterCoordinatorMovement() throws Exception {
+        setup();
+        String topicName = "multipart";
+        String groupId = "multipartGrp";
+        createTopic(topicName, 3, 3);
+        try (Admin admin = createAdminClient()) {
+            TopicPartition tpMulti = new TopicPartition(topicName, 0);
+            // get topic id
+            Uuid topicId = 
+            // produce some messages
+            try (Producer<byte[], byte[]> producer = createProducer()) {
+                ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record = new ProducerRecord<>(
+                    tpMulti.topic(),
+                    tpMulti.partition(),
+                    null,
+                    "key".getBytes(),
+                    "value".getBytes()
+                );
+                IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(__ -> producer.send(record));
+                producer.flush();
+            }
+            // consume messages
+            try (ShareConsumer<byte[], byte[]> shareConsumer = 
createShareConsumer(groupId)) {
+                shareConsumer.subscribe(List.of(topicName));
+                alterShareAutoOffsetReset(groupId, "earliest");
+                ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records = 
+                assertEquals(10, records.count());
+            }
+            // get current share coordinator node
+            SharePartitionKey key = SharePartitionKey.getInstance(groupId, new 
TopicIdPartition(topicId, tpMulti));
+            int shareGroupStateTp = 
Utils.abs(key.asCoordinatorKey().hashCode()) % 3;
+            List<Integer> curShareCoordNodeId = 
+                .partitions().stream()
+                .filter(info -> info.partition() == shareGroupStateTp)
+                .map(info -> info.leader().id())
+                .toList();
+            assertEquals(1, curShareCoordNodeId.size());
+            // shutdown the coordinator
+            cluster.shutdownBroker(curShareCoordNodeId.get(0));
+            // give some breathing time
+            TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(2L);
+            List<Integer> newShareCoordNodeId = 
+                .partitions().stream()
+                .filter(info -> info.partition() == shareGroupStateTp)
+                .map(info -> info.leader().id())
+                .toList();
+            assertEquals(1, newShareCoordNodeId.size());
+            assertNotEquals(curShareCoordNodeId.get(0), 
+            // again produce to same topic partition
+            try (Producer<byte[], byte[]> producer = createProducer()) {
+                ProducerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record = new ProducerRecord<>(
+                    tpMulti.topic(),
+                    tpMulti.partition(),
+                    null,
+                    "key".getBytes(),
+                    "value".getBytes()
+                );
+                IntStream.range(0, 10).forEach(__ -> producer.send(record));
+                producer.flush();
+            }
+            // consume messages should only be possible if partition and share 
coord has moved
+            // from shutdown broker since we are only producing to partition 0 
of topic.
+            try (ShareConsumer<byte[], byte[]> shareConsumer = 
createShareConsumer(groupId)) {
+                shareConsumer.subscribe(List.of(topicName));
+                alterShareAutoOffsetReset(groupId, "earliest");
+                ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records = 
+                assertEquals(20, records.count());
+            }
+            verifyShareGroupStateTopicRecordsProduced();
+        }
+    }
+    @ClusterTest(
+        brokers = 3,
+        serverProperties = {
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "auto.create.topics.enable", value = 
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.coordinator.rebalance.protocols", value = "classic,consumer,share"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "group.share.enable", value = "true"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"group.share.partition.max.record.locks", value = "10000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"", value = "15000"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.num.partitions", value 
= "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "offsets.topic.replication.factor", 
value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.min.isr", value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.num.partitions", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"share.coordinator.state.topic.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "transaction.state.log.min.isr", 
value = "1"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = 
"transaction.state.log.replication.factor", value = "3"),
+            @ClusterConfigProperty(key = "unstable.api.versions.enable", value 
= "true")
+        }
+    )
+    public void testComplexShareConsumer() throws Exception {
+        setup();
+        String topicName = "multipart";
+        String groupId = "multipartGrp";
+        createTopic(topicName, 3, 3);
+        TopicPartition multiTp = new TopicPartition(topicName, 0);
+        ExecutorService executer = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
+        AtomicBoolean prodDone = new AtomicBoolean(false);
+        AtomicInteger sentCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
+        // produce messages until we want
+        executer.execute(() -> {
+            while (!prodDone.get()) {

Review Comment:
   This makes a separate producer per loop iteration. I suggest re-using the 
producer across loop iterations. You can still use try-with-resources.

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