lucasbru commented on code in PR #18476:

@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+import org.apache.kafka.common.errors.FencedMemberEpochException;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Objects;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.function.BiFunction;
+import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
+ * The CurrentAssignmentBuilder class encapsulates the reconciliation engine 
of the streams group protocol. Given the current state of a
+ * member and a desired or target assignment state, the state machine takes 
the necessary steps to converge them.
+ */
+public class CurrentAssignmentBuilder {
+    /**
+     * The streams group member which is reconciled.
+     */
+    private final StreamsGroupMember member;
+    /**
+     * The target assignment epoch.
+     */
+    private int targetAssignmentEpoch;
+    /**
+     * The target assignment.
+     */
+    private TaskTuple targetAssignment;
+    /**
+     * A function which returns the current process ID of an active task or 
null if the active task
+     * is not assigned. The current process ID is the process ID of the 
current owner.
+     */
+    private BiFunction<String, Integer, String> currentActiveTaskProcessId;
+    /**
+     * A function which returns the current process IDs of a standby task or 
null if the standby
+     * task is not assigned. The current process IDs are the process IDs of 
all current owners.
+     */
+    private BiFunction<String, Integer, Set<String>> 
+    /**
+     * A function which returns the current process IDs of a warmup task or 
null if the warmup task
+     * is not assigned. The current process IDs are the process IDs of all 
current owners.
+     */
+    private BiFunction<String, Integer, Set<String>> 
+    /**
+     * The tasks owned by the member. This may be provided by the member in 
the StreamsGroupHeartbeat request.
+     */
+    private Optional<TaskTuple> ownedTasks = Optional.empty();
+    /**
+     * Constructs the CurrentAssignmentBuilder based on the current state of 
the provided streams group member.
+     *
+     * @param member The streams group member that must be reconciled.
+     */
+    public CurrentAssignmentBuilder(StreamsGroupMember member) {
+        this.member = Objects.requireNonNull(member);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the target assignment epoch and the target assignment that the 
streams group member must be reconciled to.
+     *
+     * @param targetAssignmentEpoch The target assignment epoch.
+     * @param targetAssignment      The target assignment.
+     * @return This object.
+     */
+    public CurrentAssignmentBuilder withTargetAssignment(int 
+                                                         TaskTuple 
targetAssignment) {
+        this.targetAssignmentEpoch = targetAssignmentEpoch;
+        this.targetAssignment = Objects.requireNonNull(targetAssignment);
+        return this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets a BiFunction which allows to retrieve the current process ID of an 
active task. This is
+     * used by the state machine to determine if an active task is free or 
still used by another
+     * member, and if there is still a task on a specific process that is not 
yet revoked.
+     *
+     * @param currentActiveTaskProcessId A BiFunction which gets the process 
ID of a subtopology ID /
+     *                                   partition ID pair.
+     * @return This object.
+     */
+    public CurrentAssignmentBuilder 
withCurrentActiveTaskProcessId(BiFunction<String, Integer, String> 
currentActiveTaskProcessId) {
+        this.currentActiveTaskProcessId = 
+        return this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets a BiFunction which allows to retrieve the current process IDs of a 
standby task. This is
+     * used by the state machine to determine if there is still a task on a 
specific process that is
+     * not yet revoked.
+     *
+     * @param currentStandbyTaskProcessIds A BiFunction which gets the process 
IDs of a subtopology
+     *                                     ID / partition ID pair.
+     * @return This object.
+     */
+    public CurrentAssignmentBuilder withCurrentStandbyTaskProcessIds(
+        BiFunction<String, Integer, Set<String>> currentStandbyTaskProcessIds
+    ) {
+        this.currentStandbyTaskProcessIds = 
+        return this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets a BiFunction which allows to retrieve the current process IDs of a 
warmup task. This is
+     * used by the state machine to determine if there is still a task on a 
specific process that is
+     * not yet revoked.
+     *
+     * @param currentWarmupTaskProcessIds A BiFunction which gets the process 
IDs of a subtopology ID
+     *                                    / partition ID pair.
+     * @return This object.
+     */
+    public CurrentAssignmentBuilder 
withCurrentWarmupTaskProcessIds(BiFunction<String, Integer, Set<String>> 
currentWarmupTaskProcessIds) {
+        this.currentWarmupTaskProcessIds = 
+        return this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Sets the tasks currently owned by the member. This comes directly from 
the last StreamsGroupHeartbeat request. This is used to
+     * determine if the member has revoked the necessary tasks. Passing null 
into this function means that the member did not provide
+     * its owned tasks in this heartbeat.
+     *
+     * @param ownedAssignment A collection of active, standby and warm-up tasks
+     * @return This object.
+     */
+    protected CurrentAssignmentBuilder withOwnedAssignment(TaskTuple 
ownedAssignment) {
+        this.ownedTasks = Optional.ofNullable(ownedAssignment);
+        return this;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Builds the next state for the member or keep the current one if it is 
not possible to move forward with the current state.
+     *
+     * @return A new StreamsGroupMember or the current one.
+     */
+    public StreamsGroupMember build() {
+        switch (member.state()) {
+            case STABLE:
+                // When the member is in the STABLE state, we verify if a newer
+                // epoch (or target assignment) is available. If it is, we can
+                // reconcile the member towards it. Otherwise, we return.
+                if (member.memberEpoch() != targetAssignmentEpoch) {
+                    return computeNextAssignment(
+                        member.memberEpoch(),
+                        member.assignedTasks()
+                    );
+                } else {
+                    return member;
+                }
+            case UNREVOKED_TASKS:
+                // When the member is in the UNREVOKED_TASKS state, we wait
+                // until the member has revoked the necessary tasks. They are
+                // considered revoked when they are not anymore reported in the
+                // owned tasks set in the StreamsGroupHeartbeat API.
+                // If the member provides its owned tasks, we verify if it 
+                // owns any of the revoked tasks. If it did not provide it's
+                // owned tasks, or we still own some of the revoked tasks, we
+                // cannot progress.
+                if (
+                    ownedTasks.isEmpty() || 
+                ) {
+                    return member;
+                }
+                // When the member has revoked all the pending tasks, it can
+                // transition to the next epoch (current + 1) and we can 
+                // its state towards the latest target assignment.
+                return computeNextAssignment(
+                    member.memberEpoch() + 1,
+                    member.assignedTasks()
+                );
+            case UNRELEASED_TASKS:
+                // When the member is in the UNRELEASED_TASKS, we reconcile the
+                // member towards the latest target assignment. This will 
assign any
+                // of the unreleased tasks when they become available.
+                return computeNextAssignment(
+                    member.memberEpoch(),
+                    member.assignedTasks()
+                );
+            case UNKNOWN:
+                // We could only end up in this state if a new state is added 
in the
+                // future and the group coordinator is downgraded. In this 
case, the
+                // best option is to fence the member to force it to rejoin 
the group
+                // without any tasks and to reconcile it again from scratch.
+                if ((ownedTasks.isEmpty() || !ownedTasks.get().isEmpty())) {
+                    throw new FencedMemberEpochException(
+                        "The streams group member is in a unknown state. "
+                            + "The member must abandon all its tasks and 
+                }
+                return computeNextAssignment(
+                    targetAssignmentEpoch,
+                    member.assignedTasks()
+                );
+        }
+        return member;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Takes the current currentAssignment and the targetAssignment, and 
generates three
+     * collections:
+     *
+     * - the resultAssignedTasks: the tasks that are assigned in both the 
current and target
+     * assignments.
+     * - the resultTasksPendingRevocation: the tasks that are assigned in the 
+     * assignment but not in the target assignment.
+     * - the resultTasksPendingAssignment: the tasks that are assigned in the 
target assignment but
+     * not in the current assignment, and can be assigned currently (i.e., 
they are not owned by
+     * another member, as defined by the `isUnreleasedTask` predicate).
+     */
+    private boolean computeAssignmentDifference(Map<String, Set<Integer>> 
+                                                Map<String, Set<Integer>> 
+                                                Map<String, Set<Integer>> 
+                                                Map<String, Set<Integer>> 
+                                                Map<String, Set<Integer>> 
+                                                BiPredicate<String, Integer> 
isUnreleasedTask) {
+        boolean hasUnreleasedTasks = false;
+        Set<String> allSubtopologyIds = new 
+        allSubtopologyIds.addAll(currentAssignment.keySet());
+        for (String subtopologyId : allSubtopologyIds) {
+            hasUnreleasedTasks |= computeAssignmentDifferenceForOneSubtopology(
+                subtopologyId,
+                currentAssignment.getOrDefault(subtopologyId, 
+                targetAssignment.getOrDefault(subtopologyId, 
+                resultAssignedTasks,
+                resultTasksPendingRevocation,
+                resultTasksPendingAssignment,
+                isUnreleasedTask
+            );
+        }
+        return hasUnreleasedTasks;
+    }
+    private static boolean computeAssignmentDifferenceForOneSubtopology(final 
String subtopologyId,
+                                                                        final 
Set<Integer> currentTasksForThisSubtopology,
+                                                                        final 
Set<Integer> targetTasksForThisSubtopology,
+                                                                        final 
Map<String, Set<Integer>> resultAssignedTasks,
+                                                                        final 
Map<String, Set<Integer>> resultTasksPendingRevocation,
+                                                                        final 
Map<String, Set<Integer>> resultTasksPendingAssignment,
+                                                                        final 
BiPredicate<String, Integer> isUnreleasedTask) {
+        // Result Assigned Tasks = Current Tasks ∩ Target Tasks
+        // i.e. we remove all tasks from the current assignment that are not 
in the target
+        //         assignment
+        Set<Integer> resultAssignedTasksForThisSubtopology = new 
+        // Result Tasks Pending Revocation = Current Tasks - Result Assigned 
+        // i.e. we will ask the member to revoke all tasks in its current 
assignment that
+        //      are not in the target assignment
+        Set<Integer> resultTasksPendingRevocationForThisSubtopology = new 
+        // Result Tasks Pending Assignment = Target Tasks - Result Assigned 
Tasks - Unreleased Tasks
+        // i.e. we will ask the member to assign all tasks in its target 
+        //      except those that are already assigned, and those that are 
+        Set<Integer> resultTasksPendingAssignmentForThisSubtopology = new 
+        boolean hasUnreleasedTasks = 
resultTasksPendingAssignmentForThisSubtopology.removeIf(taskId ->
+            isUnreleasedTask.test(subtopologyId, taskId)
+        );
+        if (!resultAssignedTasksForThisSubtopology.isEmpty()) {
+            resultAssignedTasks.put(subtopologyId, 
+        }
+        if (!resultTasksPendingRevocationForThisSubtopology.isEmpty()) {
+            resultTasksPendingRevocation.put(subtopologyId, 
+        }
+        if (!resultTasksPendingAssignmentForThisSubtopology.isEmpty()) {
+            resultTasksPendingAssignment.put(subtopologyId, 
+        }
+        return hasUnreleasedTasks;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Computes the next assignment.
+     *
+     * @param memberEpoch         The epoch of the member to use. This may be 
different from
+     *                            the epoch in {@link 
+     * @param memberAssignedTasks The assigned tasks of the member to use.
+     * @return A new StreamsGroupMember.
+     */
+    private StreamsGroupMember computeNextAssignment(int memberEpoch,
+                                                     TaskTuple 
memberAssignedTasks) {
+        Map<String, Set<Integer>> newActiveAssignedTasks = new HashMap<>();
+        Map<String, Set<Integer>> newActiveTasksPendingRevocation = new 
+        Map<String, Set<Integer>> newActiveTasksPendingAssignment = new 
+        Map<String, Set<Integer>> newStandbyAssignedTasks = new HashMap<>();
+        Map<String, Set<Integer>> newStandbyTasksPendingRevocation = new 
+        Map<String, Set<Integer>> newStandbyTasksPendingAssignment = new 
+        Map<String, Set<Integer>> newWarmupAssignedTasks = new HashMap<>();
+        Map<String, Set<Integer>> newWarmupTasksPendingRevocation = new 
+        Map<String, Set<Integer>> newWarmupTasksPendingAssignment = new 
+        boolean hasUnreleasedTasks = computeAssignmentDifference(
+            memberAssignedTasks.activeTasks(),
+            targetAssignment.activeTasks(),
+            newActiveAssignedTasks,
+            newActiveTasksPendingRevocation,
+            newActiveTasksPendingAssignment,
+            (subtopologyId, partitionId) ->
+                currentActiveTaskProcessId.apply(subtopologyId, partitionId) 
!= null ||
+                    currentStandbyTaskProcessIds.apply(subtopologyId, 
+                        .contains(member.processId()) ||
+                    currentWarmupTaskProcessIds.apply(subtopologyId, 
+                        .contains(member.processId())
+        );
+        hasUnreleasedTasks = computeAssignmentDifference(
+            memberAssignedTasks.standbyTasks(),
+            targetAssignment.standbyTasks(),
+            newStandbyAssignedTasks,
+            newStandbyTasksPendingRevocation,
+            newStandbyTasksPendingAssignment,
+            (subtopologyId, partitionId) ->
+                Objects.equals(currentActiveTaskProcessId.apply(subtopologyId, 
+                    member.processId()) ||
+                    currentStandbyTaskProcessIds.apply(subtopologyId, 
+                        .contains(member.processId()) ||
+                    currentWarmupTaskProcessIds.apply(subtopologyId, 
+                        .contains(member.processId())
+        ) || hasUnreleasedTasks;
+        hasUnreleasedTasks = computeAssignmentDifference(
+            memberAssignedTasks.warmupTasks(),
+            targetAssignment.warmupTasks(),
+            newWarmupAssignedTasks,
+            newWarmupTasksPendingRevocation,
+            newWarmupTasksPendingAssignment,
+            (subtopologyId, partitionId) ->
+                Objects.equals(currentActiveTaskProcessId.apply(subtopologyId, 
+                    member.processId()) ||
+                    currentStandbyTaskProcessIds.apply(subtopologyId, 
+                        .contains(member.processId()) ||
+                    currentWarmupTaskProcessIds.apply(subtopologyId, 
+                        .contains(member.processId())
+        ) || hasUnreleasedTasks;
+        return buildNewMember(
+            memberEpoch,
+            new TaskTuple(
+                newActiveTasksPendingRevocation,
+                newStandbyTasksPendingRevocation,
+                newWarmupTasksPendingRevocation
+            ),
+            new TaskTuple(
+                newActiveAssignedTasks,
+                newStandbyAssignedTasks,
+                newWarmupAssignedTasks
+            ),
+            new TaskTuple(
+                newActiveTasksPendingAssignment,
+                newStandbyTasksPendingAssignment,
+                newWarmupTasksPendingAssignment
+            ),
+            hasUnreleasedTasks
+        );
+    }
+    private StreamsGroupMember buildNewMember(final int memberEpoch,
+                                              final TaskTuple 
+                                              final TaskTuple newAssignedTasks,
+                                              final TaskTuple 
+                                              final boolean 
hasUnreleasedTasks) {
+        final boolean hasTasksToBeRevoked =
+            (!newTasksPendingRevocation.isEmpty())
+                && (ownedTasks.isEmpty() || 
+        if (hasTasksToBeRevoked) {
+            // If there are tasks to be revoked, the member remains in its 
+            // epoch and requests the revocation of those tasks. It 
transitions to
+            // the UNREVOKED_TASKS state to wait until the client acknowledges 
+            // revocation of the tasks.
+            return new StreamsGroupMember.Builder(member)
+                .setState(MemberState.UNREVOKED_TASKS)
+                .updateMemberEpoch(memberEpoch)
+                .setAssignedTasks(newAssignedTasks)
+                .setTasksPendingRevocation(newTasksPendingRevocation)
+                .build();
+        } else if (!newTasksPendingAssignment.isEmpty()) {
+            // If there are tasks to be assigned, the member transitions to the
+            // target epoch and requests the assignment of those tasks. Note 
+            // the tasks are directly added to the assigned tasks set. The
+            // member transitions to the STABLE state or to the 
+            // state depending on whether there are unreleased tasks or not.
+            MemberState newState =
+                hasUnreleasedTasks
+                    ? MemberState.UNRELEASED_TASKS
+                    : MemberState.STABLE;
+            return new StreamsGroupMember.Builder(member)
+                .setState(newState)
+                .updateMemberEpoch(targetAssignmentEpoch)
+                .setTasksPendingRevocation(TaskTuple.EMPTY)
+                .build();
+        } else if (hasUnreleasedTasks) {
+            // If there are no tasks to be revoked nor to be assigned but some
+            // tasks are not available yet, the member transitions to the 
+            // epoch, to the UNRELEASED_TASKS state and waits.
+            return new StreamsGroupMember.Builder(member)
+                .setState(MemberState.UNRELEASED_TASKS)

Review Comment:
   It's a bit different. `UNREVOKED_TASKS` is used if the member needs to 
revoke tasks. `UNRELEASED_TASKS` is used if the member waits for other members 
to revoke tasks. 

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