
Matthias J. Sax commented on KAFKA-18369:

Well, if we have two summed window, we can just divide both to report the 
metric, right? I am not sure if this is public API an we would need a KIP? But 
from a code POV, it does not seem to be too complex to change.

> State updater's *-ratio metrics are incorrect
> ---------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-18369
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18369
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: streams
>    Affects Versions: 3.8.1
>            Reporter: Rafał Sumisławski
>            Priority: Major
> h2. Background
> {{DefaultStateUpdater}} defines {{{}idle-ratio{}}}, 
> {{{}active-restore-ratio{}}}, {{{}standby-update-ratio{}}}, 
> {{checkpoint-ratio}} metrics here: 
> [https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/streams/src/main/java/org/apache/kafka/streams/processor/internals/DefaultStateUpdater.java#L1101-L1115]
>  These metrics are averages, that are supposed to indicate "The fraction of 
> time the thread spent on \{action}". But the metrics don't actually do that.
> h2. Issue
> Let me explain this with an example:
> For simplicity's sake, let's consider the following example involving just 
> {{{}standby-update-ratio{}}}, {{checkpoint-ratio}} and ignoring the existence 
> of the other two metrics.
> Let's say the thread did:
>  * {{999}} iterations with {{standby-update}} taking {{1ms}} in each 
> iteration and no {{checkpoint}} happening ({{{}0ms{}}}).
>  * {{1}} iteration with {{standby-update}} taking {{1ms}} and {{checkpoint}} 
> taking {{9000ms}}
> The thread spent {{10s}} working, of which it spent {{1s}} on 
> {{standby-updates}} and {{9s}} on checkpoint, so the fraction of time it 
> spent on checkpoint (checkpoint-ratio) is {{{}~0.001 (0.1%){}}}. Or at least 
> that is what the metrics will say. I would instead argue that it spent 
> {{9s/10s == 0.9 == 90%}} on checkpoint. If you agree with my logic, then you 
> agree that this metrics is incorrect.
> The problem is that the code computes a ratio for each iteration, and then 
> averages those ratios out, producing a number devoid of statistical meaning 
> or practical application. It ignores the fact that the one iteration that 
> took {{{}9s{}}}, should have a much higher weight than those quick 1ms 
> iterations.
> {{(999*(0ms/1ms) + 1*(9000ms/9001ms))/1000 ~= 0.001}}
> h2. Solution
> What we would like to see instead is either a ratio of average/total times, 
> not an average of ratios. I don't think this can be easily realised within 
> the existing metrics system. So instead, what I propose as a solution is to 
> report {{duration-total}} and/or {{duration-rate}} (with the unit of seconds 
> per second) metric for each of {{{}idle{}}}, {{{}active-restore{}}}, 
> {{{}standby-restore{}}}, {{{}checkpoint{}}}. The observers of these metrics, 
> when needed, could then derive the actual ratio of time spent on each 
> operation for example as {{{}checkpoint-ratio = checkpoint-duration-rate / 
> (idle-duration-rate + active-restore-duration-rate + 
> standby-restore-duration-rate + checkpoint-duration-rate){}}}. Or by 
> performing an analogical calculation on deltas of the {{total}} metrics.
> I can submit a PR once there's an agreement on the correct way to fix this.

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