
Swikar Patel commented on KAFKA-18495:

[~cadonna] Thanks for commenting.

[~mjsax] Thanks. As this is for 5.0.0 then would we do VOTING at that time or 
do now?

>  Remove Invalid 'numberOfOpenFiles' Metric from RocksDB State Store
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-18495
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-18495
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Sub-task
>          Components: streams
>    Affects Versions: 4.0.0
>            Reporter: Swikar Patel
>            Assignee: Swikar Patel
>            Priority: Blocker
>             Fix For: 5.0.0
> The `numberOfOpenFiles` metric in the Kafka Streams RocksDB state store 
> implementation is currently invalid and should be removed.
> This metric was intended to report the approximate number of open files in 
> the RocksDB instance. It was previously calculated using the RocksDB internal 
> metric `NO_FILE_CLOSES`, which was removed in RocksDB version 9.7.3. Due to 
> this change, the `numberOfOpenFiles` metric no longer provides accurate 
> information. The current workaround is to have it always return -1, which is 
> misleading.
> The `numberOfOpenFiles` metric is: Invalid It does not reflect the actual 
> number of open files in RocksDB. This misleading and returning -1 can confuse 
> users and monitoring systems and unnecessary it provides no useful 
> information in its current state.
> h4. Proposed Solution
> This Jira issue is to implement the changes proposed in [KIP-1125: Remove 
> Invalid 'numberOfOpenFiles' Metric from RocksDB State 
> Store|https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1125%3A+Remove+Invalid+%27numberOfOpenFiles%27+Metric+from+RocksDB+State+Store].
>  The solution is to completely remove the `opennumberfiles` metric, including:
>  * Removing the related code in `RocksDBMetricsRecorder` 
> (`numberOfOpenFilesSensor`, recording logic).
>  * Removing the `numberOfOpenFilesSensor` method in `RocksDBMetrics`
>  * Updating the Kafka Streams documentation to reflect the metric's removal.

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