Rajini Sivaram commented on KAFKA-7280:

[~sachinu] The fix is available in 2.0.1 which is expected to be released very 
soon. The specific exception in this JIRA is in a code path that is used only 
when TRACE logging is enabled on the consumer. The fix in this JIRA makes the 
whole class thread-safe, but if you are seeing the exception without TRACE, can 
you include the stack trace, so that we can verify if the PR has fixed that 
too? Thanks.

> ConcurrentModificationException in FetchSessionHandler in heartbeat thread
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-7280
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-7280
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: consumer
>    Affects Versions: 1.1.1, 2.0.0
>            Reporter: Rajini Sivaram
>            Assignee: Rajini Sivaram
>            Priority: Critical
>             Fix For: 1.1.2, 2.0.1, 2.1.0
> Request/response handling in FetchSessionHandler is not thread-safe. But we 
> are using it in Kafka consumer without any synchronization even though poll() 
> from heartbeat thread can process responses. Heartbeat thread holds the 
> coordinator lock while processing its poll and responses, making other 
> operations involving the group coordinator safe. We also need to lock 
> FetchSessionHandler for the operations that update or read 
> FetchSessionHandler#sessionPartitions.
> This exception is from a system test run on trunk of 
> TestSecurityRollingUpgrade.test_rolling_upgrade_sasl_mechanism_phase_two:
> {quote}[2018-08-12 06:13:22,316] ERROR [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, 
> groupId=group] Heartbeat thread failed due to unexpected error 
> (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator)
>  java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
>  at 
> java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedHashIterator.nextNode(LinkedHashMap.java:719)
>  at java.util.LinkedHashMap$LinkedKeyIterator.next(LinkedHashMap.java:742)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.FetchSessionHandler.responseDataToLogString(FetchSessionHandler.java:362)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.FetchSessionHandler.handleResponse(FetchSessionHandler.java:424)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher$1.onSuccess(Fetcher.java:216)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher$1.onSuccess(Fetcher.java:206)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.RequestFuture.fireSuccess(RequestFuture.java:167)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.RequestFuture.complete(RequestFuture.java:127)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerNetworkClient$RequestFutureCompletionHandler.fireCompletion(ConsumerNetworkClient.java:575)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerNetworkClient.firePendingCompletedRequests(ConsumerNetworkClient.java:389)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerNetworkClient.poll(ConsumerNetworkClient.java:297)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.ConsumerNetworkClient.pollNoWakeup(ConsumerNetworkClient.java:304)
>  at 
> org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator$HeartbeatThread.run(AbstractCoordinator.java:996)
> {quote}
> The logs just prior to the exception show that a partition was removed from 
> the session:
> {quote}[2018-08-12 06:13:22,315] TRACE [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, 
> groupId=group] Skipping fetch for partition test_topic-1 because there is an 
> in-flight request to worker4:9095 (id: 3 rack: null) 
> (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
>  [2018-08-12 06:13:22,316] TRACE [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, 
> groupId=group] Completed receive from node 2 for FETCH with correlation id 
> 417, received 
> {throttle_time_ms=0,error_code=0,session_id=109800960,responses=[{topic=test_topic,partition_responses=[{partition_header=
> Unknown macro: 
> \{partition=2,error_code=0,high_watermark=184,last_stable_offset=-1,log_start_offset=0,aborted_transactions=null}
> ,record_set=[(record=DefaultRecord(offset=183, timestamp=1534054402327, key=0 
> bytes, value=3 bytes))]}]}]} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
>  [2018-08-12 06:13:22,316] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, 
> groupId=group] Added READ_UNCOMMITTED fetch request for partition 
> test_topic-0 at offset 189 to node worker3:9095 (id: 2 rack: null) 
> (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
>  [2018-08-12 06:13:22,316] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, 
> groupId=group] Built incremental fetch (sessionId=109800960, epoch=237) for 
> node 2. Added (), altered (), removed (test_topic-2) out of (test_topic-0) 
> (org.apache.kafka.clients.FetchSessionHandler)
>  [2018-08-12 06:13:22,316] DEBUG [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, 
> groupId=group] Sending READ_UNCOMMITTED IncrementalFetchRequest(toSend=(), 
> toForget=(test_topic-2), implied=(test_topic-0)) to broker worker3:9095 (id: 
> 2 rack: null) (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
>  [2018-08-12 06:13:22,316] TRACE [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, 
> groupId=group] Sending FETCH 
> {replica_id=-1,max_wait_time=500,min_bytes=1,max_bytes=52428800,isolation_level=0,session_id=109800960,epoch=237,topics=[],forgotten_topics_data=[
> Unknown macro: \{topic=test_topic,partitions=[2]}
> ]} with correlation id 418 to node 2 (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
>  [2018-08-12 06:13:22,316] TRACE [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, 
> groupId=group] Skipping fetch for partition test_topic-2 because there is an 
> in-flight request to worker3:9095 (id: 2 rack: null) 
> (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.Fetcher)
>  [2018-08-12 06:13:22,316] ERROR [Consumer clientId=console-consumer, 
> groupId=group] Heartbeat thread failed due to unexpected error 
> (org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.internals.AbstractCoordinator)
>  java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
> {quote}
> The sequence in the logs show
>  # FETCH response received
>  # FetchSessionHandler#sessionPartitions is updated (a partition is removed)
>  # New FETCH request is sent
>  # Heartbeat thread throws ConcurrentModificationException while iterating 
> over FetchSessionHandler#sessionPartitions
> This could be because 1) and 4) were on the heartbeat thread and 2) and 3) on 
> the thread processing Consumer#poll().

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