
点儿郎当 commented on KAFKA-7481:

kafka version1.0 
[2018-11-01 21:37:26,250] ERROR [Controller id=13 epoch=8] Initiated state 
change for partition 
topic.cloud.service.bigdata.news_contents_submits_stats.content-6 from 
OnlinePartition to OnlinePartition failed (state.change.logger)
kafka.common.StateChangeFailedException: [Controller id=13 epoch=8] Encountered 
error while electing leader for partition 
topic.cloud.service.bigdata.news_contents_submits_stats.content-6 due to: 
Preferred replica 12 for partition 
topic.cloud.service.bigdata.news_contents_submits_stats.content-6 is either not 
alive or not in the isr. Current leader and ISR: 

How did it happen?How to solve?

def selectLeader(topicAndPartition: TopicAndPartition,
                   currentLeaderAndIsr: LeaderAndIsr): (LeaderAndIsr, Seq[Int]) 
= {
    val assignedReplicas = 
    val preferredReplica = assignedReplicas.head
    // check if preferred replica is the current leader
    val currentLeader = 
    if (currentLeader == preferredReplica) {
      throw new LeaderElectionNotNeededException("Preferred replica %d is 
already the current leader for partition %s"
    } else {
      info("Current leader %d for partition %s is not the preferred 
replica.".format(currentLeader, topicAndPartition) +
        " Triggering preferred replica leader election")
      // check if preferred replica is not the current leader and is alive and 
in the isr
      if (controllerContext.isReplicaOnline(preferredReplica, 
topicAndPartition) && currentLeaderAndIsr.isr.contains(preferredReplica)) {
        val newLeaderAndIsr = currentLeaderAndIsr.newLeader(preferredReplica)
        (newLeaderAndIsr, assignedReplicas)
      } else {
        throw new StateChangeFailedException(s"Preferred replica 
$preferredReplica for partition $topicAndPartition " +
          s"is either not alive or not in the isr. Current leader and ISR: 

> Consider options for safer upgrade of offset commit value schema
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-7481
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-7481
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Jason Gustafson
>            Priority: Blocker
>             Fix For: 2.1.0
> KIP-211 and KIP-320 add new versions of the offset commit value schema. The 
> use of the new schema version is controlled by the 
> `inter.broker.protocol.version` configuration.  Once the new inter-broker 
> version is in use, it is not possible to downgrade since the older brokers 
> will not be able to parse the new schema. 
> The options at the moment are the following:
> 1. Do nothing. Users can try the new version and keep 
> `inter.broker.protocol.version` locked to the old release. Downgrade will 
> still be possible, but users will not be able to test new capabilities which 
> depend on inter-broker protocol changes.
> 2. Instead of using `inter.broker.protocol.version`, we could use 
> `message.format.version`. This would basically extend the use of this config 
> to apply to all persistent formats. The advantage is that it allows users to 
> upgrade the broker and begin using the new inter-broker protocol while still 
> allowing downgrade. But features which depend on the persistent format could 
> not be tested.
> Any other options?

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