Vedarth Sharma commented on KAFKA-16708:

Thanks a lot for raising the ticket and sharing WIP commit as well. I am really 
happy to see your interest in improving the apache kafka docker image. 

I am interested in understanding the benefit of having dynamic port.

One clear benefit is that static mapping isn't needed. But are there other 
benefits? Because in kraft we will need to use static port for PLAINTEXT_DOCKER 
as you shared in your example also, which will mean that benefit listed in the 
[PR|https://github.com/wurstmeister/kafka-docker/pull/300] on wurstmeister 
might not be applicable, cmiiw.

Given that docker in docker has security concerns, I think it's important to 
make this exclusive for testing purposes. Since apache/kafka docker image is 
meant for production usage, I think it might be better to consider adding this 
to just KIP-974 apache/kafka-native image (to be released in 3.8.0) as it's 
meant for testing purposes and local usage. This will also remove the risk of 
users enabling this by accident in production.

> Allow dynamic port for advertised listeners in Docker image
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-16708
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-16708
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>            Reporter: Chris Bono
>            Priority: Major
> First of all, thank you all for adding the official Kafka Docker image (I 
> know it is a big responsibility and adds to the team workload).
> I am migrating from {{wurstmeister/kafka}} to the official {{apache/kafka}} 
> image. 
> My advertised port is not static and was relying on [the PORT_COMMAND 
> feature|https://github.com/wurstmeister/kafka-docker/commit/c66375fc3b94e98dbecd603c5d2b44c06e927e88]
>  in the {{wurstmeister/kafka}} image to determine the port programatically. 
> This would let me define a docker-compose as follows:
> {code:java}
> services:
>   kafka:
>     image: apache/kafka:latest
>     hostname: kafka
>     ports:
>       - "9092"
>     volumes:
>       - '/var/run/docker.sock.raw:/var/run/docker.sock'
>     environment:
>       KAFKA_NODE_ID: 1
> 'CONTROLLER://kafka:29093,PLAINTEXT_DOCKER://kafka:29092,PLAINTEXT_HOST://'
>       KAFKA_PROCESS_ROLES: 'broker,controller'
>       KAFKA_CONTROLLER_QUORUM_VOTERS: '1@kafka:29093'
>       PORT_COMMAND: "docker ps | egrep 'kafka' | cut -d: -f 3 | cut -d- -f 
> 1"{code}
> Notice how the "ports" are dynamically mapped (i.e. not *"port:port"* syntax) 
> - the actual port will *not* be "9092".
> Do you have a suggestion for an alternative approach on how to obtain a 
> non-static port for advertised listeners? If not, would adding conditional 
> support for this feature be welcomed? 
> I am aware of the complication/concern of this request as it is Docker in 
> Docker for non-root users (described 
> [here|https://jonfriesen.ca/articles/docker-in-docker-non-root-user/]) and as 
> such we could make it inactive by default and users would have to opt-in 
> explicitly.
> I have created a [rough 
> WIP|https://github.com/onobc/kafka/commit/6556c4adbf08155b89c9804c2c5d1a988f8371f2]
>  that illustrates the concept (there is no conditionality in it currently). 
> Note that the container is not run as {*}root{*}, but rather the *appuser* is 
> added to whatever group that own the docker.sock (which on my machine is 
> root).
> P.S.
>  * This is my first time filing an issue w/ Kafka so if I missed anything 
> please let me know and I am glad to add whatever other info, etc.. 
>  * I am not sure what "Component" this should be under (the other Kafka 
> Docker related issues had differing values here)

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