
Daniel Urban commented on KAFKA-14716:

[~ChrisEgerton] Indeed, it is, thanks for pointing that out - will try to 
comment on the PR of KAFKA-12694

> Connect schema does not allow struct default values
> ---------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: KAFKA-14716
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-14716
>             Project: Kafka
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Daniel Urban
>            Assignee: Daniel Urban
>            Priority: Major
> The ConnectSchema API should allow specifying a composite (struct) default 
> value for a field, but with the current API, it is impossible to do so.
>  # There is a circular dependency between creating a struct as a default 
> value and creating the schema which holds it as the default value. The Struct 
> constructor expects a Schema object, and the default value setter of 
> SchemaBuilder checks schema conformity by using the 
> ConnectSchema.validateValue, which in turn uses ConnectSchema.equals. This 
> can only be bypassed if the struct references a SchemaBuilder instance, and 
> defaultValue is called on that builder instance, but this goes against the 
> Struct docs stating that "Struct objects must specify a complete \{@link 
> Schema} up front".
>  # ConnectSchema.equals is not prepared to be used with other Schema 
> implementations, so equals checks between ConnectSchema and SchemaBuilder 
> instances will always fail. This is only causing an issue if equals has to be 
> used for schema conformity checks.
> Code examples:
> Working code (mind that the schema referenced by the Struct is a 
> SchemaBuilder, and it is mutated after the Struct is constructed):
> {code:java}
> @Test
> public void testCompositeDefault() {
>     SchemaBuilder nestedSchema = SchemaBuilder.struct()
>             .field("bar", Schema.STRING_SCHEMA);
>     Struct nestedDefault = new Struct(nestedSchema);
>     nestedDefault.put("bar", "default_value");
>     Schema schema = SchemaBuilder.struct()
>             .field("foo",
>                     nestedSchema
>                             .defaultValue(nestedDefault)
>                             .build()
>             )
>             .build();
> } {code}
> Not working code (but better aligned with the current API and docs - 2 
> separate Schema instances used by the Struct and the field, only diff is the 
> default value between the 2):
> {code:java}
>  @Test
> public void testCompositeDefault() {
>     Schema nestedSchema = SchemaBuilder.struct()
>             .field("bar", Schema.STRING_SCHEMA)
>             .build();
>     Struct nestedDefault = new Struct(nestedSchema);
>     nestedDefault.put("bar", "default_value");
>     Schema schema = SchemaBuilder.struct()
>             .field("foo",
>                     SchemaBuilder
>                             .struct()
>                             .field("bar", Schema.STRING_SCHEMA)
>                             .defaultValue(nestedDefault)
>                             .build()
>             )
>             .build();
> }{code}

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