
Rok Mihevc updated ARROW-5302:
    External issue URL: https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/21766

> Memory leak when read_table().to_pandas().to_json()
> ---------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ARROW-5302
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-5302
>             Project: Apache Arrow
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Python
>    Affects Versions: 0.13.0
>         Environment: Linux, Python 3.6.4 :: Anaconda, Inc.
>            Reporter: Jorge Leitão
>            Priority: Major
>              Labels: memory-leak
> The following piece of code (running on a Linux, Python 3.6 from anaconda) 
> demonstrates a memory leak when reading data from disk.
> {code:java}
> import resource
> import pandas as pd
> import pyarrow as pa
> import pyarrow.parquet as pq
> # some random data, some of them as array columns
> path = 'data.parquet'
> batches = 5000
> df = pd.DataFrame({
>     't': [list(range(0, 180 * 60, 5))] * batches,
> })
> pq.write_table(pa.Table.from_pandas(df), path)
> table = pq.read_table(path)
> # read the data above and convert it to json (e.g. the backend of a restful 
> API)
> for i in range(100):
>     # comment any of the 2 lines for the leak to vanish.
>     df = pq.read_table(path).to_pandas()
>     df['t'].to_json()
>     print(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss)
> {code}
> Result :
> {code:java}
> 481676
> 618584
> 755396
> 892156
> 1028892
> 1165660
> 1302428
> 1439184
> 1620376
> 1801340
> ...{code}
> Relevant pip freeze:
> pyarrow (0.13.0)
> pandas (0.24.2)
> Note: it is not entirely obvious that this is caused by pyarrow instead of 
> pandas or numpy. I was only able to reproduce it through write/read from 
> pyarrow.

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