
Rok Mihevc commented on ARROW-5271:

This issue has been migrated to [issue 
#21741|https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/21741] on GitHub. Please see the 
[migration documentation|https://github.com/apache/arrow/issues/14542] for 
further details.

> [Python] Interface for converting pandas ExtensionArray / other custom array 
> objects to pyarrow Array
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: ARROW-5271
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ARROW-5271
>             Project: Apache Arrow
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Python
>            Reporter: Joris Van den Bossche
>            Priority: Major
> Related to ARROW-2428, which describes the issue to convert back to an 
> ExtensionArray in {{to_pandas}}.
> To start supporting to convert custom ExtensionArrays (eg the nullable 
> Int64Dtype in pandas, or the arrow-backed fletcher arrays, ...) to arrow 
> Arrays (eg in {{pyarrow.array(..)}}), I think it would be good to define an 
> interface or hook that external projects can implement and that pyarrow will 
> call if available. 
> This would allow external projects to define how they can be converted to 
> arrow arrays, without the need that pyarrow itself starts to gather a lot of 
> special cased code for certain types (like pandas' nullable Int64).
> This could similar to how numpy looks for the {{\_\_array\_\_}} method, so we 
> might call it {{\_\_arrow_array\_\_}}.
> See also https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/20612 for an issue 
> discussing this on the pandas side.

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