Hello Everybody

I have a self-hosted environment that include:

   - Jenkins version 2.440.2 running on Linux 5.10.0-30-amd64
   - GitLab-CE version 17.1.1 running on Linux 6.6.32-current-rockchip

Until recent GitLab-CE update to 17.x Jenkins build results have been 
posted to GitLab server and were correctly reflected in commit status. 
However, GitLab-CE no longer allow access tokens with indefinite validity 
period - as result all GitLab related credentials stored in Jenkins became 
invalid. As final result all build jobs are successfully triggered by 
GitLab via webhook configured in the job, source code successfully accessed 
and checked out from GitLab but post-build action “Publish build status to 
GitLab” failed with message
No GitLab connection configured

Jenkins setup:
Access to GitLab is configured in two sections of Jenkins System:

   1. GitLab Connections section with following: Enable authentication for 
   ‘/project’ end-point = off; Credentials → API Token for accessing GitLab
   2. GitLab Servers section with following: Credentials → The Personal 
   Access Token for GitLab APIs access

All connections are successful when tested.

GitLab related plugins installed:

   - Generic Webhook Trigger Plugin Version2.2.2
   - GitLab Plugin Version1.8.1
   - GitLab API Plugin Version5.3.0-91.v1f9a_fda_d654f
   - GitLab Branch Source Plugin Version704.vc7f1202d7e14
   - Gitlab Merge Request Builder Version2.0.0

I’ll be very grateful if community help me to resolve my problem.

With best regards
Nick Sorokin

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