
I'm using Jenkins Amazon EC2 plugin and have been able to launch build 
agents successfully. However, I still have one question unresolved.

On the plugin page, I see I need to specify*"EC2 Key Pair's Private Key"* 
which is the private key that the plugin uses to SSH into the launched 
build agents.However, I'm *not seeing* an option to specify the 
corresponding public key to put into the launched agent as the "authorized 

The thing is: In my AWS account, I have several key pairs for different 
purposes, and I would like to use one of them for the build agents. *That's 
why I thought* there should be somewhere on the Jenkins plugin config page 
to specify this public key to be put into the launched agents. But I don't 
find it.

Surprisingly, when I examined my launched agents, it looked like they had 
the correct public key set in its `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file. *Does 
anyone know how this is done?* *Does the plugin test every key pair in my 
AWS account (since the plugin has my IAM credentials) to find the matched 
public key and put it into the agents?* (I looked at the plugin's Groovy 
script configuration and don't find this option, either.)


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