Hi all, we have run Jenkins declarative pipeline to build Docker
images for a long time now and after we set it up it always seemed to
work fine.

Since a recent upgrade (Jenkins 2.290 -> 2.293) and associated plugins
(Docker Pipeline, Docker base plugin, Credentials, Credentials
Pipeline, etc... I don't see a way to get "plugin change history" to
be specific about the versions)
the following stanza starts to fail:

withDockerRegistry(registry: [ credentialsId: 'gcr-jenkins-sa', url:
'https://us.gcr.io' ]) {
  script {...}

[Pipeline] withDockerRegistry
$ docker login -u _json_key -p ******** https://us.gcr.io
Error: error reading auth file: 1 error occurred:
* error reading JSON file
is a directory
[Pipeline] // withDockerRegistry

I read through the changelogs of Jenkins and various plugins, and
didn't see any obvious note about a change here. I tried to downgrade
the plugins to get things working again but was not able to assemble
any working set other than the current - I tried downgrading all the
upgraded plugins but no matter which combination I tried, Jenkins
always failed to load critical plugins like Pipeline itself due to
dependency mismatches. After about a dozen different tries and
restarts without any luck I came here.

Has anyone else run into this problem?  What could we do to fix this,
or dig deeper to find the bug in whichever plugin (presumably) has a


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