It looks like you're trying to allow the same pipeline to run using either 
Kubernetes agents or some other type of agent. Is that realistic? In my 
experience, there are a number of things one has to pay attention to in a 
Kubernetes agent, especially if it's a multi-container pod.

I'm not sure how flexible a declarative pipeline can be, but it is 
certainly possible to have a scripted pipeline determine which type of node 
in which to run steps at run time. The node() syntax takes a string 
expression. You can pass a block to a method which conditionally calls the 
block inside a podTemplate() or not.

On Friday, April 23, 2021 at 9:24:41 AM UTC-4 wrote:

> Hi
> The following Jenkins pipeline script is not working and we will get as 
> error
> WorkflowScript: 20: Expected string literal @ line 20, column 11.
>        agent checkEnvironment()
>              ^
> WorkflowScript: 20: Only "agent none", "agent any" or "agent {...}" are 
> allowed. @ line 20, column 5.
>        agent checkEnvironment()
> @Library('snowdrop-lib') _
> def checkEnvironment() {
>   stage("main") {
>     node {
>       if (fileExists('/var/run/secrets/')) {
>         AGENT_DEF = """kubernetes {
>                             |  defaultContainer 'jnlp'
>                             |  yaml 
> libraryResource('./podTemplates/multi-containers.yml')
>                             |}""".stripMargin()
>       } else {
>         AGENT_DEF = "label any"
>       }
>       return AGENT_DEF
>     }
>   }  
> }
> pipeline {
>     agent checkEnvironment()
>     ...
> Question: Can we do something like this ? If yes - How ? Example ?
> Cheers
> Charles

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