So I had a node up to run as a user other than Jenkins.  It stopped working 
and I have no idea why.  My trouble-shooting ability has just reached its 
limit.  Anyone have any ideas for me to try?  Here are my steps to set it 
up (the RSA Key seems to be what is failing):

   1. Go to Credentials / System (shows up under Credentials) / Global 
   2. Click Add Credentials 
   3. Kind:  SSH Username with private key 
   4. ID:  <username>RSAKey
   Description: <username> RSA Key
   Username:  <username>
   Private Key:  Select Enter directly and paste it in from results of cat 
   ~/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA should have been created without passphrase, but if you 
   created a passphrase, enter it in the Passphrase text box)
   5. Go to Manage Jenkins / Manage Nodes and Clouds / New Node 
   6. Name:  <username>Node
   Description: Run as <username>
   # of executors: 1
   Remote root directory: /home/<username>
   Labels: <username>Checkout
   Usage: Only build jobs with label expressions matching this node
   Launch method: Launch agents via SSH
   Host: localhost
   Credentials: <username> (username RSA Key)
   Host Key Verification Strategy: Non verifying Verification Strategy
   Availability: Keep this agent online as much as possible

So, when I try to start the node, I get:


[04/12/21 11:34:47] [SSH] Opening SSH connection to localhost:22. 
[04/12/21 11:34:47] [SSH] WARNING: SSH Host Keys are not being verified. 
Man-in-the-middle attacks may be possible against this connection. ERROR: 
Server rejected the 1 private key(s) for <usrname> 
[04/12/21 11:34:47] [SSH] Authentication failed. Authentication failed. 
[04/12/21 11:34:47] Launch failed - cleaning up connection 
[04/12/21 11:34:47] [SSH] Connection closed.

Thanks much!

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