If I take the words precisely as you stated them, I don't think you can run 
multiple jobs at the same time on the same agent with only 1 executor.  
With only 1 executor, only 1 job can be executed on that agent.

If you would like to have the downstream job run on the same agent as the 
upstream job, you might look at the node label parameter plugin.  It has 
the ability to assign a downstream job to run on the same agent as the 
upstream job that starts the downstream job.

Mark Waite
On Monday, April 5, 2021 at 6:01:06 AM UTC-7 Kitu wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: kamthe kirtee <kamthek...@gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 5 Apr, 2021, 4:36 pm
> Subject: How to run upstream and downstream jobs on same executor
> To: <jenkinsci-us...@googlegroups.com>
> Hi team, 
> Suppose in jenkins I have 1 slave  and in that slave I have 1 executor
> Also I have one upstream job and one  downstream job
> My question is:
> If an upstream job is running on executor 1,  and after that my downstream 
> job is starting on the same executor at the same time, & I want upstream 
> job to go aside/queue  untill the downstream job is over. 
> Once the downstream job is over, the paused upstream job should again 
> resume start running on the same executor. 
> So how We can achieve this?  Because I don't want to increase the number 
> of executors 
> Can you please guide me for the same?
> Thanks

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