I don’t know. Don’t you have a dedicated forum to ask cppcheck questions? 

I still do not understand why you are redirecting stdout or stderr. I would 
assume that every tool that creates XML files automatically creates the file in 
your workspace. Did you check the workspace if there is a file if you omit the 
redirect (>)?

> Am 26.03.2021 um 11:28 schrieb jesus fernandez <jesusfernandez0...@gmail.com>:
> Thanks for the replies but how woud the command be then? something like this 
> cppcheck "E:/Source" --force — enable=all — inconclusive — xml — 
> xml-version=2 . > cppcheck.xm
> El jueves, 25 de marzo de 2021 a las 21:49:15 UTC+1, ullrich...@gmail.com 
> escribió:
> Yes, this is definitely not XML :-)
> This is the stderr of your program! 
> 2 > cppcheck.xml pipes your stderr to a file. You do not need this part. 
>> Am 25.03.2021 um 20:08 schrieb jesus fernandez <jesusfern...@gmail.com 
>> <applewebdata://78084D66-B970-4920-85E3-54D06C833186>>:
>> so it seems like if it basically is writting all the outputs the cmd throws
>> El jueves, 25 de marzo de 2021 a las 20:07:20 UTC+1, jesus fernandez 
>> escribió:
>> the supposely .xml does not have any format, these are the first 5 lines:
>> Checking E:\Source\Game\AchievementManager.cpp ...
>> Checking E:\Source\Game\AchievementManager.cpp: 
>> Checking E:\Source\Game\AchievementManager.cpp: 
>> Checking E:\Source\Game\AchievementManager.cpp: 
>> Checking E:\Source\Game\AchievementManager.cpp: APP_STEAM;_DEBUG...
>> El jueves, 25 de marzo de 2021 a las 19:47:22 UTC+1, ullrich...@gmail.com <> 
>> escribió:
>> If you can’t check on your own if the file contains valid XML can you please 
>> show the first 5 lines of the XML file here?
>>> Am 25.03.2021 um 19:36 schrieb jesus fernandez <jesusfern...@gmail.com <>>:
>>> I thought the  ```bat'cppcheck "E:/Source" --force — enable=all — 
>>> inconclusive — xml — xml-version=2 . 2 > cppcheck.xml'``` command does 
>>> genearate a valid xml. is it a matter of missing parameters or a matter of 
>>> having to parse the output? in the documentation and the SO link I attached 
>>> it is supposed to be done like that... what am I missing here?
>>> El jueves, 25 de marzo de 2021 a las 18:21:38 UTC+1, ullrich...@gmail.com 
>>> <http://gmail.com/> escribió:
>>> The exception says it is not a valid XML file. Is it a valid XML file? 
>>> Seems that there is content before the fir XML tag. Can you open it in an 
>>> editor that can validate the XML?
>>>> Am 25.03.2021 um 17:57 schrieb jesus fernandez <jesusfern...@gmail.com <>>:
>>>> Thanks for replying, I have opened and it has 2000 lines of code but I do 
>>>> not know if it is valid or not as I have never used cppcheck before, and 
>>>> if it is not valid is it because I am not using the right parameters when 
>>>> calling cppcheck or how?
>>>> El jueves, 25 de marzo de 2021 a las 17:44:44 UTC+1, ullrich...@gmail.com 
>>>> <http://gmail.com/> escribió:
>>>> It look like your create XML is not valid. Can you please open the XML 
>>>> file and check? 
>>>>> Am 25.03.2021 um 17:40 schrieb jesus fernandez <jesusfern...@gmail.com 
>>>>> <>>:
>>>>> I am learning about Jenkins on my own, and I wanted to try the cppcheck 
>>>>> plugin, I have setup the following sample pipeline:
>>>>> ```
>>>>> pipeline {
>>>>>     agent any
>>>>>     stages {
>>>>>         stage('analysis') {
>>>>>             steps {
>>>>>                 script{
>>>>>                     bat'cppcheck "E:/Source" --force — enable=all — 
>>>>> inconclusive — xml — xml-version=2 . 2 > cppcheck.xml'
>>>>>                 }
>>>>>             }
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     post {
>>>>>         always {
>>>>>             // scanForIssues tool: cppCheck(pattern: 'cppcheck.xml')
>>>>>             publishCppcheck pattern:'cppcheck.xml'
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> }
>>>>> ```
>>>>> But I get an error in the post step which I do not know if it is related 
>>>>> to my projecto or if I am doing something wrong. I have follow the 
>>>>> instructions on this thread [cppcheck][1]but it does not seem to work, 
>>>>> wehther I use ```publushCppcheck``` :
>>>>> ```
>>>>> [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
>>>>> [Pipeline] publishCppcheck (hide)
>>>>> [Cppcheck] Starting the cppcheck analysis.
>>>>> [Cppcheck] Processing 1 files with the pattern 'cppcheck.xml'.
>>>>> [Cppcheck] Parsing throws exceptions. javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
>>>>>  - with linked exception:
>>>>> [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: 
>>>>> file:/C:/Users/anton/.jenkins/workspace/JOB4/cppcheck.xml; lineNumber: 1; 
>>>>> columnNumber: 1; El contenido no está permitido en el prólogo.]
>>>>> [Cppcheck] java.io.IOException: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
>>>>>  - with linked exception:
>>>>> [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: 
>>>>> file:/C:/Users/anton/.jenkins/workspace/JOB4/cppcheck.xml; lineNumber: 1; 
>>>>> columnNumber: 1; El contenido no está permitido en el prólogo.]
>>>>> at 
>>>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.cppcheck.parser.CppcheckParser.parse(CppcheckParser.java:67)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.cppcheck.CppcheckParserResult.invoke(CppcheckParserResult.java:69)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.cppcheck.CppcheckParserResult.invoke(CppcheckParserResult.java:24)
>>>>> at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1164)
>>>>> at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1147)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.cppcheck.CppcheckPublisher.perform(CppcheckPublisher.java:337)
>>>>> at jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildStep.perform(SimpleBuildStep.java:123)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.CoreStep$Execution.run(CoreStep.java:99)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.CoreStep$Execution.run(CoreStep.java:69)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution.lambda$start$0(SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution.java:47)
>>>>> at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>> Caused by: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
>>>>> ```
>>>>> or ```scanforIssues``` from warnings ng plugin::
>>>>> ```
>>>>> [Pipeline] { (Declarative: Post Actions)
>>>>> [Pipeline] scanForIssues
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] Parsing of file 
>>>>> 'C:\Users\anton\.jenkins\workspace\JOB4\cppcheck.xml' failed due to an 
>>>>> exception:
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-] com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCharException: 
>>>>> Unexpected character 'C' (code 67) in prolog; expected '<'
>>>>>  at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1]
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1]
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> com.ctc.wstx.sr.StreamScanner.throwUnexpectedChar(StreamScanner.java:648)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> com.ctc.wstx.sr.BasicStreamReader.nextFromProlog(BasicStreamReader.java:2047)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> com.ctc.wstx.sr.BasicStreamReader.next(BasicStreamReader.java:1069)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> se.bjurr.violations.lib.parsers.CPPCheckParser.parseReportOutput(CPPCheckParser.java:43)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> edu.hm.hafner.analysis.parser.violations.AbstractViolationAdapter.parse(AbstractViolationAdapter.java:35)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.FilesScanner.aggregateIssuesOfFile(FilesScanner.java:105)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.FilesScanner.scanFiles(FilesScanner.java:89)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.FilesScanner.invoke(FilesScanner.java:72)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.FilesScanner.invoke(FilesScanner.java:30)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1164)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1147)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.ReportScanningTool.scanInWorkspace(ReportScanningTool.java:152)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.ReportScanningTool.scan(ReportScanningTool.java:134)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesScanner.scan(IssuesScanner.java:95)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.ScanForIssuesStep$Execution.run(ScanForIssuesStep.java:214)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.ScanForIssuesStep$Execution.run(ScanForIssuesStep.java:175)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution.lambda$start$0(SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution.java:47)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown 
>>>>> Source)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at 
>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>> [CPPCheck] [-ERROR-]  [wrapped] edu.hm.hafner.analysis.ParsingException: 
>>>>> Exception occurred during parsing
>>>>> WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character 'C' (code 67) in 
>>>>> prolog; expected '<'
>>>>>  at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1]
>>>>> com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxUnexpectedCharException: Unexpected character 'C' 
>>>>> (code 67) in prolog; expected '<'
>>>>>  at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [1,1]
>>>>> at 
>>>>> com.ctc.wstx.sr.StreamScanner.throwUnexpectedChar(StreamScanner.java:648)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> com.ctc.wstx.sr.BasicStreamReader.nextFromProlog(BasicStreamReader.java:2047)
>>>>> at com.ctc.wstx.sr.BasicStreamReader.next(BasicStreamReader.java:1069)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> se.bjurr.violations.lib.parsers.CPPCheckParser.parseReportOutput(CPPCheckParser.java:43)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> edu.hm.hafner.analysis.parser.violations.AbstractViolationAdapter.parse(AbstractViolationAdapter.java:35)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.FilesScanner.aggregateIssuesOfFile(FilesScanner.java:105)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.FilesScanner.scanFiles(FilesScanner.java:89)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.FilesScanner.invoke(FilesScanner.java:72)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.FilesScanner.invoke(FilesScanner.java:30)
>>>>> at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1164)
>>>>> at hudson.FilePath.act(FilePath.java:1147)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.ReportScanningTool.scanInWorkspace(ReportScanningTool.java:152)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.model.ReportScanningTool.scan(ReportScanningTool.java:134)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.IssuesScanner.scan(IssuesScanner.java:95)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.ScanForIssuesStep$Execution.run(ScanForIssuesStep.java:214)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> io.jenkins.plugins.analysis.core.steps.ScanForIssuesStep$Execution.run(ScanForIssuesStep.java:175)
>>>>> at 
>>>>> org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution.lambda$start$0(SynchronousNonBlockingStepExecution.java:47)
>>>>> at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>> at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
>>>>> ```
>>>>>   [1]: 
>>>>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45836071/cppcheck-into-jenkins-with-qt-project
>>>>> <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45836071/cppcheck-into-jenkins-with-qt-project>
>>>>> -- 
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