thank you for this feedback. it will help me resolve this issue!

On Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 2:08:32 AM UTC-5 

> The code[1] definitly does not impose a limit. Does your  mailserver 
> impose a limit on the number of recipients in a single mail? Is a mailing 
> list involved, e.g mailmain often imposes a limit on the number of 
> recipients...? 
> Crank up logging and check the logs for reported errors.
> Björn
> [1] 
> schrieb am Dienstag, 16. März 2021 um 20:33:01 UTC+1:
>> I may have stumbled across the solution to a different conversation that 
>> I posted. I noticed that the number of recipients I include in the 
>> Recipients list of the Aggregator may be causing me trouble. Would someone 
>> be willing to test this hypothesis on their side, too?
>> I have included 1 email recipient, 11 email recipients, and 12 email 
>> recipients in my Test Results Aggregator. With 1 recipient, the job reports 
>> as successful and sends out an email; with 11 recipients, the job reports 
>> as successful and sends out an email; with 12 recipients, the job reports 
>> successful and does not send out an email.
>> Has anyone encountered a similar situation?

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