> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Ali Raza <aliraza...@gmail.com>
> Subject: Gerrit review authentication error(Gerrit code review plugin)
> Date: 12 March 2021 at 13:04:54 GMT
> To: Jenkins Users <jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com>
> Reply-To: jenkinsci-users@googlegroups.com
>  Hi
> I am using the Gerrit trigger plugin with Jenkins which is working fine but 
> along with it i am also using the Gerrit Code Review plugin. I am calling 
> 'gerrit review' command inside my pipeline script but getting an error 
> 'Gerrit Review requires authentication, however there are no credentials 
> defined or are empty'
> I am not sure from where the Gerrit review is getting the credentials. On the 
> other hand, the Gerrit trigger plugin is getting triggered and executing the 
> build process but when it reaches the 'gerrit review' command it is having an 
> authentication error.
> I am using the Git/https inside my scm settings.

The Gerrit Code Review plugin is designed to extract the credentials from the 
Gerrit SCM source.
In your case, for some reasons, your setup isn’t able to add the Gerrit SCM 
source to the list, even though the plugin is installed.

The result is that when it tries to obtain the credentials, it fails and 
therefore the read operations are still possible but NOT the write operations 
(like the review feedback).


> My scm settings are following
>  cm credentials. 
> -- 
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