same issue for me too 

On Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 8:15:57 AM UTC-7 Yiyito wrote:

> Was this solved? I´m having same issue
> On Monday, November 28, 2016 at 4:42:10 PM UTC-3, Guy Knights wrote:
>> I'm trying to use the ansible plugin in a pipeline script, but it fails 
>> to find ansible-playbook. I've used the "ansibleName" parameter to supply 
>> the name of the Ansible version I want to use from Jenkins' global tool 
>> config page, but it still fails. I get the following when trying to execute 
>> a playbook from a pipeline:
>> [workspace] $ ansible-playbook 
>>> /opt/ansible-data/playbooks/client_deploy.yml -i 
>>> /opt/ansible-data/inventory/prod/ -f 5 --private-key 
>>> "/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Default/jobs/Client 
>>> deploy/workspace/ssh7766033036773514652.key" -u ubuntu -e wl_name=default 
>>> -e client_version=761c6f24
>>> FATAL: command execution failed
>>> Cannot run program "ansible-playbook" (in directory 
>>> "/var/jenkins_home/jobs/Default/jobs/Client deploy/workspace"): error=2, No 
>>> such file or directory
>> The path to the ansible binaries has been defined in the global config 
>> page as /opt/ansible/ansible-2.2/bin, and this works for normal jenkins 
>> (ie. not pipeline) jobs, using the "Invoke Ansible playbook" build task.
>> The ansible call from my Jenkinsfile is as follows:
>> ansiblePlaybook(
>>         ansibleName: 'stable-2.2',
>>         playbook: "${ANSIBLE_DATA_PATH}/playbooks/client_deploy.yml",
>>         inventory: "${ANSIBLE_DATA_PATH}/inventory/${ENVIRONMENT}/",
>>         credentialsId: '574fb47c-33df-4096-bd0c-0c44962b2546',
>>         extraVars: [
>>             wl_name: "${wlName}",
>>             client_version: "${gtpCommitId}"
>>         ],
>>         additionalParameters: '--vault-password-file 
>> "/var/jenkins_home/.ansible/vault.pwd" --forks=10',
>>         colorized: true
>> ) 
>> "stable-2.2" is the name I've given to the version of Ansible defined on 
>> the global tools config page.
>> Does anyone know why this isn't working?
>> Thanks,
>> Guy

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