Hello all,
I am experiencing the following issue.
I have a pipeline job (not multibranch). In the job configuration the 
Jenkinsfile is checked out from git. The checkout is not lightweight (there 
is a tick "Lightweight checkout", which is not set).
A node job parameter is configured.
When starting the job the git checkout of the Jenkinsfile fails with

Caused by: hudson.plugins.git.GitException: Command "git fetch --tags 
--progress -- https://gitlab.XXX.com/project.git 
+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*" returned status code 128:
fatal: could not read Username for 'https://gitlab.XXX.com 
<https://gitlab.consulting.sltc.com/>': terminal prompts disabled

Note that the Jenkinsfile has not started to be executed at that moment, 
since Jenkins failed to check it out.
The error does not occur if

   - if the selected node is master, or
   - if the "Lightweight checkout" is selected.

It does also not occur if no node parameter is configured at all.

Is this expected behaviour or an bug? Should I file a ticket 
in https://issues.jenkins.io? I haven't found a ticket there that exactly 
matches my issue.
This https://groups.google.com/g/jenkinsci-users/c/hg4OUmlS9T8/m/Lg8UYopCBAAJ
looks related. But the root cause there was a file permissions issue, which 
is surely not the case in my setup.

My Jenkins instance is 2.222.4, running in a container derived from the 
Jenkins base image jenkins/jenkins:2.222.4.

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