I see some serialization fails and this breaks the channel, the plugin that
causes the exception seems https://github.com/jenkinsci/tasks-plugin, and
the `[Deprecated] Scan workspace for open tasks` I think matters, this
plugins has been integrated into
https://github.com/jenkinsci/warnings-ng-plugin and

ERROR: Step ‘[Deprecated] Scan workspace for open tasks’ aborted due
to exception:
java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid type code: 6D
    at hudson.plugins.tasks.TasksPublisher.perform(TasksPublisher.java:182)
    at jenkins.tasks.SimpleBuildStep.perform(SimpleBuildStep.java:112)
    at hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor$1.perform(BuildStepMonitor.java:20)
    at hudson.model.Build$BuildExecution.post2(Build.java:186)
    at hudson.model.Run.execute(Run.java:1919)
    at hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild.run(FreeStyleBuild.java:43)
    at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(ResourceController.java:97)
    at hudson.model.Executor.run(Executor.java:428)

El jue, 4 feb 2021 a las 14:58, Jigar R (<jigarrathod...@gmail.com>)

> Hello Ivan,
> Attached the logs in the email
>    - jenkins.log - jenkins build output
>    - Jenkins-agent.log - output from jenkins ssh agent
> Jenkins SSH agent was created with following:
>    -
>    - launch method : launch agents via ssh
>    - JavaPath: $JAVA_HOME
>    - JVM options: -Xmx2048m -Xms2048m
>    - Use TCP_NODELAY flag on the ssh connection - enabled
> Environment information
>    - Jenkins v2.249.1
>    - RH6
>    - SSH agent plugin 1.20
>    - SSH slaves plugin 1.30.4
> On Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 5:27:07 PM UTC-5 kuisat...@gmail.com
> wrote:
>> Weird, Could you share a screencapture of what you configurate? Also the
>> whole exception those lines alone mean nothing. Know the version of Jenkins
>> and the version of the SSH build agents plugins you use can help, the
>> memory you have in your agents, if they are bare metal or cloud. In overall
>> if you want help please provide more context.
>> El mar, 2 feb 2021 a las 22:52, Jigar R (<jigarra...@gmail.com>)
>> escribió:
>>> On Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 12:20:19 PM UTC-5 kuisat...@gmail.com
>>> wrote:
>>>> >I have 2 different kind of jenkins agents.
>>>> >1. java web start
>>>> >2. ssh
>>>> >If the memory was issue then wouldn't it fail on both cases?
>>>> Not necessarily, starting by the point that are different ways to
>>>> establish the connection, the JNLP agents could not update the remoting jar
>>>> file (depends on your configurations), so you can be running different
>>>> versions of remoting. I agree with Jeff looks like an OOM issue, review my
>>>> comments at
>>>> https://groups.google.com/g/jenkinsci-users/c/nD3s06hSUXE/m/BQKk5GSYBwAJ
>>>> my recommendation is to fix the mem for the remoting process to 1024M
>>>> (-Xmx1024m -Xms1024m) see if the issue disappear or change, if disappear,
>>>> you would have to adjust the remoting process memory to the right one
>>>> between 256M-1024M, to use 512M usually is safe a not too much (but depends
>>>> on your agents' memory we do not know how much they have)
>>> I created SSH agent with -Xmx1024m -Xms1024m.
>>> I do see bunch of Warnings about "Ping failed. Terminating the channel
>>> channel".
>>> I got following error:
>>> "
>>>   WARNING: Failed to send back a reply to te rquest
>>> hudson.remoting.Request$....
>>>   java.io.IOException: Resource temporarily unavailable
>>>           at java.io.FileOutputStream.writeBytes(Native method)
>>>           .....
>>> "
>>>> El lunes, 1 de febrero de 2021 a las 23:52:19 UTC+1,
>>>> jigarra...@gmail.com escribió:
>>>>> On Monday, January 4, 2021 at 12:37:52 PM UTC-5 jtho...@cloudbees.com
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> When I saw something like this in the past, it was because the
>>>>>> process was running out of resources. Specifically when running 
>>>>>> SpotBugs, I
>>>>>> got out-of-memory errors. I had to modify the pom to allocate more 
>>>>>> memory.
>>>>> I have 2 different kind of jenkins agents.
>>>>> 1. java web start
>>>>> 2. ssh
>>>>> If the memory was issue then wouldn't it fail on both cases?
>>>>> I do see "Agent went offline during build Connection was broker:
>>>>> java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header:".
>>>>>> I recommend ensuring your build runs normally on the agent without
>>>>>> the additional complexities of the Jenkins environment. This might show
>>>>>> where additional resources are needed. If that all passes, then continue 
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> to the additional troubleshooting steps involving the Jenkins controller
>>>>>> and agent.
>>>>>> Jeff Thompson
>>>>>> On 12/30/20 3:40 PM, jiga...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>> Interestingly, whenever Jenkins agent is executing PMD/Findbugs task,
>>>>>> it runs into " Resource temporarily unavailable".
>>>>>> I have
>>>>>>    - verified TCP parameters
>>>>>>    i.e. tcp_keepalive_time, tcp_keepalive_intvl, tcp_keepalive_probes
>>>>>>    & tcp_fin_timeout ; All of them have higher values then what cloudbees
>>>>>>    recommended at
>>>>>> https://support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001369667-dedicated-SSH-agents-formerly-slaves-get-disconnected
>>>>>>    - set heap space to 2-4Gb
>>>>>>    - disabled ping thread from Jenkins agent by setting
>>>>>>    "-Dhudson.remoting.Launcher.pingIntervalSec=-1"
>>>>>> Please let me know if there is anything else I should consider.
>>>>>> On Friday, December 11, 2020 at 12:11:39 PM UTC-5 kuisat...@gmail.com
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> The most common issue is related to disconnections because there is
>>>>>>> no traffic between the Jenkins instance and the agent, for that, you 
>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> to tune the TCP stack of your OS (see
>>>>>>> https://support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001369667-dedicated-SSH-agents-formerly-slaves-get-disconnected),
>>>>>>> or enable the keepalive option in the SSH protocol this can be 
>>>>>>> configured
>>>>>>> by setting ClientAliveInterval or TCPKeepAlive on the SSH server
>>>>>>> (/etc/ssh/sshd_config), also by setting ServerAliveInterval or 
>>>>>>> TCPKeepAlive
>>>>>>> options for the user connection (/etc/ssh/ssh_config or 
>>>>>>> ~/.ssh/ssh_config)
>>>>>>> https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?sshd_config(5)
>>>>>>> https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?ssh_config(5)
>>>>>>> Also, check you follow the best practices to configure your SSH
>>>>>>> agents and enable SSH verbose log output in your service (see
>>>>>>> https://github.com/jenkinsci/ssh-slaves-plugin/blob/master/doc/TROUBLESHOOTING.md
>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>> El miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2020 a las 17:53:19 UTC+1,
>>>>>>> jiga...@gmail.com escribió:
>>>>>>>> Hello Jenkins community,
>>>>>>>> I have setup Jenkins agents over SSH and this agent frequently goes
>>>>>>>> offline with Resource temporarily unavailable error. I had to 
>>>>>>>> configure my
>>>>>>>> Jenkins agents to communicate over JNLP. Any advise on how to fix this
>>>>>>>> issue?
>>>>>>>> Jenkins v2.249.1
>>>>>>>> [12/04/20 15:23:00] [SSH] Checking java version of java
>>>>>>>> [12/04/20 15:23:01] [SSH] java -version returned 1.8.0_202.
>>>>>>>> [12/04/20 15:23:01] [SSH] Starting sftp client.
>>>>>>>> [12/04/20 15:23:03] [SSH] Remote file system root $JENKINS_SSH_DATA
>>>>>>>> does not exist. Will try to create it...
>>>>>>>> [12/04/20 15:23:03] [SSH] Copying latest remoting.jar...
>>>>>>>> [12/04/20 15:23:03] [SSH] Copied 1,521,553 bytes.
>>>>>>>> Expanded the channel window size to 4MB
>>>>>>>> [12/04/20 15:23:03] [SSH] Starting agent process: cd
>>>>>>>> "$JENKINS_SSH_DATA" && java  -jar remoting.jar -workDir 
>>>>>>>> -jar-cache $JENKINS_SSH_DATA/remoting/jarCache
>>>>>>>> Dec 04, 2020 3:23:29 PM
>>>>>>>> org.jenkinsci.remoting.engine.WorkDirManager initializeWorkDir
>>>>>>>> INFO: Using $JENKINS_SSH_DATA/remoting as a remoting work directory
>>>>>>>> Dec 04, 2020 3:23:29 PM
>>>>>>>> org.jenkinsci.remoting.engine.WorkDirManager setupLogging
>>>>>>>> INFO: Both error and output logs will be printed to
>>>>>>>> $JENKINS_SSH_DATA/remoting
>>>>>>>> <===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>channel started
>>>>>>>> Remoting version: 4.5
>>>>>>>> This is a Unix agent
>>>>>>>> Evacuated stdout
>>>>>>>> Agent successfully connected and online
>>>>>>>> The Agent is connected, disconnect it before to try to connect it
>>>>>>>> again.
>>>>>>>> Dec 04, 2020 3:33:58 PM org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS
>>>>>>>> discoverGitSystemConfig
>>>>>>>> WARNING: Exception caught during execution of command '[git,
>>>>>>>> config, --system, --edit]' in '$GIT_PATH/bin', return code '128', error
>>>>>>>> message 'fatal: Invalid path '$GIT_PATH/etc': No such file or directory
>>>>>>>> '
>>>>>>>> Dec 04, 2020 3:33:58 PM
>>>>>>>> org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS$FileStoreAttributes saveToConfig
>>>>>>>> WARNING: locking FileBasedConfig[$JENKINS_PATH/.config/jgit/config]
>>>>>>>> failed after 5 retries
>>>>>>>> Dec 04, 2020 3:33:59 PM
>>>>>>>> org.jenkinsci.remoting.util.AnonymousClassWarnings warn
>>>>>>>> WARNING: Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class
>>>>>>>> com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.hudsontrigger.GerritTriggerBuildChooser$1;
>>>>>>>> see:
>>>>>>>> https://jenkins.io/redirect/serialization-of-anonymous-classes/
>>>>>>>> Dec 04, 2020 3:34:24 PM hudson.remoting.Request$2 run
>>>>>>>> WARNING: Failed to send back a reply to the request
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.Request$2@493c5a4e
>>>>>>>> java.io.IOException: Resource temporarily unavailable
>>>>>>>>     at java.io.FileOutputStream.writeBytes(Native Method)
>>>>>>>>     at java.io.FileOutputStream.write(FileOutputStream.java:313)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.StandardOutputStream.write(StandardOutputStream.java:83)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.ChunkedOutputStream.sendFrame(ChunkedOutputStream.java:89)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.ChunkedOutputStream.sendBreak(ChunkedOutputStream.java:62)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.ChunkedCommandTransport.writeBlock(ChunkedCommandTransport.java:46)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.AbstractSynchronousByteArrayCommandTransport.write(AbstractSynchronousByteArrayCommandTransport.java:46)
>>>>>>>>     at hudson.remoting.Channel.send(Channel.java:766)
>>>>>>>>     at hudson.remoting.Request$2.run(Request.java:388)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.InterceptingExecutorService$1.call(InterceptingExecutorService.java:73)
>>>>>>>>     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
>>>>>>>>     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
>>>>>>>> Dec 04, 2020 5:25:30 PM hudson.remoting.Request$2 run
>>>>>>>> WARNING: Failed to send back a reply to the request
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.Request$2@2511e2d4
>>>>>>>> java.io.IOException: Resource temporarily unavailable
>>>>>>>>     at java.io.FileOutputStream.writeBytes(Native Method)
>>>>>>>>     at java.io.FileOutputStream.write(FileOutputStream.java:326)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.StandardOutputStream.write(StandardOutputStream.java:88)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.ChunkedOutputStream.sendFrame(ChunkedOutputStream.java:90)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.ChunkedOutputStream.drain(ChunkedOutputStream.java:85)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.ChunkedOutputStream.write(ChunkedOutputStream.java:54)
>>>>>>>>     at java.io.OutputStream.write(OutputStream.java:75)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.ChunkedCommandTransport.writeBlock(ChunkedCommandTransport.java:45)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.AbstractSynchronousByteArrayCommandTransport.write(AbstractSynchronousByteArrayCommandTransport.java:46)
>>>>>>>>     at hudson.remoting.Channel.send(Channel.java:766)
>>>>>>>>     at hudson.remoting.Request$2.run(Request.java:388)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.InterceptingExecutorService$1.call(InterceptingExecutorService.java:73)
>>>>>>>>     at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624)
>>>>>>>>     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
>>>>>>>> ERROR: Connection terminated
>>>>>>>> java.io.StreamCorruptedException: invalid stream header: 00025B42
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> java.io.ObjectInputStream.readStreamHeader(ObjectInputStream.java:866)
>>>>>>>>     at java.io.ObjectInputStream.<init>(ObjectInputStream.java:358)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.ObjectInputStreamEx.<init>(ObjectInputStreamEx.java:49)
>>>>>>>>     at hudson.remoting.Command.readFrom(Command.java:142)
>>>>>>>>     at hudson.remoting.Command.readFrom(Command.java:128)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.AbstractSynchronousByteArrayCommandTransport.read(AbstractSynchronousByteArrayCommandTransport.java:35)
>>>>>>>>     at
>>>>>>>> hudson.remoting.SynchronousCommandTransport$ReaderThread.run(SynchronousCommandTransport.java:63)
>>>>>>>> Dec 04, 2020 5:32:30 PM hudson.slaves.ChannelPinger$1 onDead
>>>>>>>> INFO: Ping failed. Terminating the channel channel.
>>>>>>>> java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Ping started at
>>>>>>>> 1607120910589 hasn't completed by 1607121150590
>>>>>>>>     at hudson.remoting.PingThread.ping(PingThread.java:134)
>>>>>>>>     at hudson.remoting.PingThread.run(PingThread.java:90)
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Jigar R
>>>>>>>> --
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>> --
>> Un Saludo
>> Iván Fernández Calvo
>> https://www.linkedin.com/in/iv%C3%A1n-fern%C3%A1ndez-calvo-21425033
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Un Saludo
Iván Fernández Calvo

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