
I'm not sure I understood your issue on calling functions. Maybe there is only a bit of confusion about the Jenkins pipeline syntax.

From what you said, you are already calling functions into the post sections: "cleanWs()" is a function, "emailext body: ... " is a function.

So, maybe you are confused by the fact Jenkins syntax in post doesn't allow something like:

post {



So, nope, the above doesn't work. Because the "post" syntax are blocks based on the result of the pipeline and you actually listed all possible options:

"always, changed, fixed, regression, aborted, success, unsuccessful, unstable, failure, notBuilt, cleanup"

And if I understood, you want to call a function that does different things depending on the pipeline result ... then, you need to used "always":

post {

   always {




And then the function will do different things depending of the BUILD_RESULT value:


   message = "Pipeline failed"

} else {

   message = "Pipeline ... whatever"


I hope that helps.



On 20/12/2020 17:35, Kernel Panic wrote:

Hello there.

I looking for an elagant way to execute code from the post {} section,
I want to write a clean Jenkinsfile and execute code from shared libraries as
In the post section I have the tipical  clean working directory like this:

always {

I also send notification based on pipeline completion, I mean, aobrted , failed, changed and so on,  but I want to call a function to do that, I want to remove the
email code I have something like this:

emailext body: 'Check console output at $BUILD_URL to view the results. \n\n ${CHANGES} \n\n --------------------------------- \n${BUILD_LOG, maxLines=50, escapeHtml=false}',
                to: "${EMAIL_ADDRESSES}",
                subject: 'Pipeline Execution  Failed: $PROJECT_NAME - #$BUILD_NUMBER'

The problem seems that from the post you only can call an expected function of type: always, changed, fixed, regression, aborted, success, unsuccessful, unstable, failure, notBuilt, cleanup.

Is there another way to accomplish this to write a more clean Post section?


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