Ok found it :

git push --set-upstream repoUrl HEAD:<BRANCH>

Le dimanche 20 décembre 2020 à 11:45:43 UTC+1, Yannick Lacaute a écrit :

> Hi,
> I have this error when I try to commit & push in a pipeline :
> *11:22:35* error: src refspec master does not match any.
> *11:22:35* error: failed to push some refs to 'http://****@foo.net/bar.git 
> <http://****@gitlab.edelia.net/home/poc/pipeline-poc-sys.git>'
> If I click on the url, I go in my project, so the url is correct. It is 
> not an empty repository at all, and I have commited something. All 
> solutions read on Internet do not speak about my situation.
> I am pretty sure it is about the way the project is checkouted by the 
> declarative pipeline, which implies a different git command to push.
> Example pipeline :
> pipeline {
>   agent {
>     label 'master'
>   }
>   options {
>     timestamps()
>     timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES')
>     buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr: '10', artifactNumToKeepStr: 
> '10'))
>   }
>   stages {
>     stage('Test') {
>       steps {
>         sh "git rev-parse HEAD" // show me last commit
>         sh "touch toto"
>         sh "git add ."
>         sh "git commit -m \'test commit\'"
>         sh "git rev-parse HEAD" // show me new last commit
>         script {
>           def secureUrl = "http://usr:p...@foo.net/bar.git 
> <http://usr:p...@foo.net/bar.git>}"
>           // do not work
>           sh "git push ${secureUrl} master"
>           // do not work either
>           sh "git push ${secureUrl} origin HEAD:master"
>         }
>       }
>     }
>   }
> }

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